There are three doors we can go through to encounter Reality. Door No. 1 is the intellectual door; Door No. 2, the emotional and in other ways experiential; and Door No. 3, the realizational. Do I have any attachment to anything that might block my full intellectual grasp that I and everyone/everything else is God? […]
The Process of Integration – 3 – Part of a Strategy?
Who needs censors? I keep my mind under lock and key I’m looking at the walls I build to compartmentalize my knowledge. There is a separate compartment for knowledge of cross-cultural spirituality and one for knowledge of the divine qualities, life after death, history, etc. I keep them all separate out of lifelong habit. The […]
No One Else Needs to be Awe-struck, But I Am
In the growth movement, if we were sitting on a secret that was impairing our energy in our relationships, we’d call that a “withhold.” I’m about to share a withhold. I’ve been reluctant to discuss the interruption in my well-being that happened last weekend because I don’t want to get anyone worried that I’m going […]
Big Steve Writing
This share will slightly disturb the chronology of the next two or three articles. In the growth movement, we’d call it a “red-hot share.” I acknowledge that growth work Kathleen has been doing in trauma therapy has likely played a role in my realization, below. I’m experiencing the most amazing gradual – and sometimes […]
Caitlyn Eckhardt: A Child’s Death Prayer
Caitlyn Eckhardt: A Child’s Death Prayer “YOU WILL DIE ONE DAY.” I was a child on a mission– to know, with certainty, what is my fate upon my death. Around eleven years of age, this question haunted me like a Goat Specter, whispering hellish nightmares into my dreamscape, cracking them open in blood. I did […]
Altering Our View of the Enlightenment Process
I wanted to take a moment out to elaborate on a comment that I made in Wendy Zammit’s interview, (1) that enlightenment is not a process as simple as us going as far as we can and then the divine steps in. But to say what the process is is not something that can […]
Do Considerations of Mission Determine Most of Our Lifetime’s Events?
I know. I know. The Ukrainian President left America with little of what he wanted. The cabal’s Ukrainian money-laundering circle seems on its last legs. Meanwhile, the “President” faces removal by some means – impeachment, illness, incapacity, or worse. And everyone is watching for the black swan event. And here I am, going deeper and […]