I seem driven to paint. And write. I swish some gold glitter glue onto a bottle I’m working on and immediately the ideas start to press themselves upon me and I have to write. I pitch bottles as fast as I paint them because there’s no more room in my apartment. If I create one, […]
Productive and Unproductive Communication
No or Unproductive Communication When we won’t communicate at all or communicate with blame and shame or other unproductive strategies, the other person tends to clam up. Then the issues and withholds (undelivered communications) start to build up. If nothing changes or gets better ever, the person may just one day up and leave. Someone […]
Creative Balance
I began my career as a historian examining how late-Victorian authors in English Canada represented the process of growth. (1) They believed in something contemporary historians came to call “creative repression”: We grow by denying ourselves. The body was seen as a fixed energy system. If we wasted our energy physically, we’d pay for it […]
We Are Sovereign Creators
by Maria Chambers https://tinyurl.com/53ds5fdm A coffee buddy initiated a discussion that goes like this: what would happen if all laws were suspended for one day? He contends that all hell would be anarchy, that people who were otherwise law-abiding citizens, would rob, rape and murder. And my perspective was that there may be more robberies, rapes and murders, […]
Culture and Philosophy
If culture is an organization of ideas, where does philosophy fit into it? Philosophy is a systematic look at or overview of a thing or event. It’s one grouping of ideas within a culture. We call it a “discipline.” The emphasis is on the systematic approach to the work and the umbrageousness of the view […]
Surveying the Scene
What starts out as a new paradigm becomes, for most people, the new normal fairly soon. Paradigms open some new horizons but they also close others. That’s how they work: by validating some behavior but warning against others. And it’s this development that can turn a paradigm from inspirational to limiting. It ceases being a […]