What does one do when the outside world doesn’t provide an adequate focus, a sure enough foundation to help us know how to respond to events? What does one do when one’s emotions are so rattled by all that’s occurring that all ties, predictions, and obligations are suspended and one feels the need to simply […]
When the Outer Doesn’t Provide a Sure Foundation – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1 above.) Whether we’re so afraid that we forget about divine protection or not, it is there. (1) But let me turn now from foundation principles and primary values to remind us of the promises of protection made to us, which we may forget at a moment of maximum fear. Let me […]
Our Values Need Reviving
I’m reading a headline on Youtube: “XXX Company Paid Doctor To LIE So They Could Fire Most Experienced XXX Pilot And Safety Whistleblower.” Never mind whether it’s true or not, why am I not surprised at the headline itself? It’s the implication that a reputable company would engage in fraud like this. My innocent self […]
‘Solution’ for Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
The pandemic is giving rise to broader local initiatives. Opinion: We have the ‘solution’ for Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside By DTES Response Volunteers, March 30th, 2021 https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/opinion/opinion-we-have-the-solution-for-vancouvers-downtown-eastside-3587834 One year ago we launched DTES Response: We created this initiative to coordinate efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and help ensure this unprecedented threat did not disproportionately […]
B.C. Sees Worst Year on Record for Overdose Drug Deaths and from Chaos Comes Creation
New data from BC Coroners Service shows 1,716 died of an overdose in 2020. When Albert Einstein explained the 6th dimension and associated growth patterns, he said, “From chaos comes creation. . . “ Because so many have died from overdose (the chaos of extreme drug addiction) there is forward movement (the creation) in BC […]
Collective Evolution Interview with Foster Gamble & Kimberly Carter Gamble Discussing “Thrive 2”
Joe Martino interviews Foster and Kimberly to discuss their journey making Thrive 2. Great conversation. . .