The Gazetteller seems to have an “in” with folks in the know. It gives a somewhat breathless but detailed account of the relationship of the military to G/NESARA. Many people would regard this as sensational journalism, but the sources of information today are few in number and not well recompensed. The deep state does not […]
An Earthquake on the Social Scene
Allegedly the only two Presidents still alive. We’ve heard from the white-hat Alliance what’s next. What does the Company of Heaven have to say? How do they describe what’s coming down the pike? The Federation of Light through Blossom obliges us: This is just the beginning. Now that this has been ‘opened up/out’ and on […]
Regular Reminder: No Nuclear War for the World. Some Play-Acting ? Probably (Repost)
Folks, this 2021 post continues to be relevant. I repost it here. Juan O Savin warned us of a “near death experience” for Americans in the foreseeable future. (1) By that he meant that a gripping event would occur to wake people up. It would have the equivalent impact of a near-death experience – which […]
Thank You to All Light Warriors
I’d like to express my gratitude to those light warriors who are taking out of action deep underground military bunkers, HAARP installations, child-trafficking operations, adrenochrome-production labs, bioweapons labs, organ-trafficking operations, extraplanetary Earth-slave colonies, and all similar … and I use the word consciously … other evil operations. I express my gratitude to all those […]
Staying Peaceful, Truthful, and Loving Amid This Apparent Looming Crisis
At a time like this, an act of peace is a revolutionary act. “Impending Global War: The Movie” as a Wake-up Call I watch military history partly because I’m drawn to and admire acts of courage. Like so many of us in this generation, I had a traumatic childhood and […]
It Needs to Stop Here
4/11/2022 = 22/11/11 + 22 Rumor is all we have to go on since the mainstream media will not be reporting current events. I mean that in two senses: first in the sense that they suppress and deny the news for ideological reasons and, second, that the plug will be pulled on them when the […]
To Support and Defend: Principles of Civilian Control and Best Practices of Civil-Military Relations
The burden of this document is to set out the principles of civilian control of the military, under the Constitution, and the manner in which the military operates to protect the Constitution. You may want to bookmark it or print it off. It’s pointed out that these military leaders served under deep-state Presidents. Does that […]
Is This 9/11 Critical?
The time between now and 9/11 is shaping up to be critical. The Queen’s death has been announced, which I understand is a marker for the ending of many dark connections and contracts. The leadership of NATO is rumored to have been fired. Mass arrests are alleged to have begun in earnest. The Supreme Court […]
Rumors Flooding
Rumors are flooding Telegram – which is the only social medium I’ll be following, until it goes down and then it’s over to Signal. The deep state is using its weather-warfare weapons to cause chaos around the globe. The world’s food supply is under attack on various fronts. Various militaries are preparing themselves, under the […]
A Hard Battle, Within Ourselves
I imagine it’s a hard battle we’re fighting, within ourselves. We want peace and love. And yet we’re confronted with powers that be who are trying to kill us with pandemics and vaccines, starve us by torching food-production facilities, take away our income by freezing our bank accounts, release and employ homicidal criminals (eg., Antifa, […]
As Part of the Second Phase….
As Part of the Second Phase…. Simon Parkes’ Blog Update, Oct. 21, 2021 ( Russia going into parts of Ukraine to take back Ukraine, Ukrainian troops falling back to pre-planned defensive positions. As part of the second phase of the world wide operation to rid the Earth of the cabal. Turkey is putting forward its […]
Man of God: Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, 1787 & 1791
Document #11 Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, 1787 & 1791, Man of God ( The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation with a new form of government in 1787. It created a federal system with a national government composed of three separated powers with principles covering checks and balances, individual […]
Jesus through John: Be Ready; Change will Occur (2016)
Jesus may as well have been speaking of these times as of 2016. Here he is through John Smallman. His message is relevant and reassuring. Jesus through John Smallman, May 23, 2016. Excerpt only. Enormous changes are about to occur that will amaze and shock you as the real agendas of many in positions of […]
Is “War”a Cover?
This just in from Simon Parkes: Urgent – Social Media Down Over 75% Of The Planet ( Urgent – Social media down over 75% of planet. Don’t panic white hat operation. Be calm. There will be no real war. These are the actions that so many of you have waited for. I warned during my […]
The Call Out of the Military? It’s Not Happening
The call out of the military? It’s not happening. Hit graphic to watch video. Scroll down but it’s not happening. Thanks to Rosa at