Rumors are flooding Telegram – which is the only social medium I’ll be following, until it goes down and then it’s over to Signal.
The deep state is using its weather-warfare weapons to cause chaos around the globe.
The world’s food supply is under attack on various fronts.
Various militaries are preparing themselves, under the cover of “critical” issues, to assume martial law and purge government of the New World Order.
The rumors are of mass arrests from now till July 1; then by July 4, ten days of emergency broadcasts exposing the deep state.
Various predictions have been made of when the Reval will occur, but no date has proven reliable in ten years and I can’t bring myself to float a new one.
Riots following Roe v Wade have been predicted. Evidently the cabal is trying to stay ahead of the revelations contained in Hunter Biden’s laptop, which is seen as something they won’t be able to survive.
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This desire has also apparently been behind the push to go to war over the Ukraine. War would divert attention, give the state emergency powers, and give team dark a chance to bury the evidence of their work – biolabs, child trafficking, money laundering … and Hunter’s laptop.
Meanwhile everyone I’ve listened to – whether the Alliance or the Company of Heaven – wants – and is waiting for – the world to wake up to what has been transpiring. It’s so bad that I don’t even want to use the words describing it for the images and memories they conjure up. OK, I’ll use one word: Satanism. That’s it. No more.
I don’t have a strong enough stomach to go down this rabbit hole with you. Commentators like Joe Martino and Charlie Ward, and the many interviewers doing videos on it can do a much better job.
But my hat is off to those who have volunteered for that mission – and our heart goes out to all those whose lives have been destroyed by dark activities most of us are not even aware of yet but – because of the work of the white hats – soon may be.