At a time like this, an act of peace is a revolutionary act.
“Impending Global War: The Movie” as a Wake-up Call
I watch military history partly because I’m drawn to and admire acts of courage.
Like so many of us in this generation, I had a traumatic childhood and finding my way back has involved finding my own courage.
However I’m not blind to the horror of war and its universal harm and damage.
There’s nothing pretty or inviting about it. It’s grim and dismal. One’s mission is to kill other people. That isn’t something I ever want to do.
Thus using the threat of it to wake the planet up has a certain logic to it. Bringing the military powers of the world to the point of confrontation? Yep. That’d wake us up. (1)
Mass formation psychosis – to foment rioting crowds – is a near relative of war. Civil war.
Whip a crowd into a frenzy, whether because of hatred or military necessity, and – if you can control it, as the alphabet agencies are adept at – you have a potent weapon at your disposal, made to look like an angry “We the People.” (Think January 6.)
This kind of “We the People” has no relationship to the planet of love that the real “We the People” are building.
Clarion Call
I’m not used to being the one to blow the horn or bang on the anvil. Michael called me on that in 2016 and I since have surrendered:
Archangel Michael: There is this reticence…. You are reticent to be the clarion call.
Steve: Yes, that’s true.
AAM: Let it go. (2)
OK. I have. In the alterations I’m going through, having realized what’s expected of me recently, (3) I’m no longer reticent to be the clarion call.
I see where we’re headed – probably toward a mock planetary near-death experience. So just to be clear: not an individual NDE or even such an experience as a nation, as I thought previously, but a worldwide NDE – something that never occurred to me until now.
What else would get global agreement to end the reign of the cabal?
If I’m correct, I think that it would cause almost-universal fear and that lightworkers remaining out of fear would be more important than ever.
This is not a clarion call to mount our horses and ride out. This is a clarion call to increase our peacefulness and loving kindness.
This is a clarion call to stay aware of the theatrical nature of what’s occurring and remain out of fear.
Our part in it should include allowing the white hats to do their perilous work, which The Sound of Freedom illustrated.
In my opinion, it isn’t the impact that we have on external matters that’s most important. It’s the impact on (A) the collective consciousness and (B) the galactics and celestials, freeing them, by the Law of Free Will, to come to our aid. (4)
Tactics and Strategies Won’t Work Now
The cabal – the Illuminati, deep state – appears to have penetrated every area of life – medical, educational, religious, political, military. If we want them to leave, we can’t do it by using their tactics and strategies.
They have machine guns that fire faster than our eyes can track, drones that deliver significant payloads, sound weapons that immobilize, etc. All they need is provocation and, if we won’t provide it, they’ll make sure that someone else does, with agents provocateurs.
We have to use our own … not tactics or strategies but heart-felt expressions. I think they must include peacefulness, truthfulness, and love. Not love for. Not love of. Just love.
Draw the love up from your heart and send it out to the world. That’s enough. Just be the love.
To my mind and heart, we need mass meditations, prayers, invocations, affirmations, praying that the world may pass through the mounting crisis with the least possible harm and damage to everyone and the greatest possible liberating effect on the whole world.
We need to rally the world to peace, not war. In doing this, we defeat the efforts of the cabal, without risking life or limb.
I won’t be organizing it. My mission lies in putting out the vision. Someone needs to. How about you?
(1) It’s an example of the white hats using problem/reaction/solution, usually a cabal strategy. World war is the problem; the world reacts with horror; the white hats back down and impose martial law to “keep the peace” at home. Only this time it’s to protect the people, not control them.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.
(3) See “Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” June 12, 2023, at
(4) Remember Elisha and his servant? The same applies here.
16And [Elisha] answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
17And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. (2 Kings 6: 16-17.)
The invisibles are driving spaceships these days and are preventing the use of nuclear weapons and cleansing the Earth of the depleted-uranium residue from our weapons. DU is a planet-killer. See
- “Depleted Uranium: Why We Must Not Go to War with Iran,” Sept. 3, 2007, at
- “This Planet Would Have Died Without the Galactics,” September 5, 2018, at