SOUL CONVERSATION to the Human Collective for Peace Please Know I Love You with All of My Heart. Let me tell You of My Honouring, of My Knowing That All of You & I are Here to be Peaceful, Gentle, Graceful Together. I Have All the Confidence in the World in Us, in our Abilities, […]
Sacred Tools for External Events Here are some sacred tools we can use. We can surround areas/war zones with the Mighty Ones: We can sprinkle Archangel Jophiel’s “Jophie Dust” from above – over both sides. It is sheer energy, for the transmutation of what is not of love, in a never-empty pouch we carry with us. We can place […]
Saint Germain: Let It Go
by James McConnell I am your Saint Germain. I am here at this time to continue to assist you in doing exactly what you have been talking about, working toward, and that is certainly letting go. Let go of the old. That is what the Violet Flame is all about: letting go. Purging out […]
Zoom Class Recording — February 23rd — St. Germaine & the Violet Flame, Divine Quality Series
Thank you to St. Germaine & everyone above/below who joined in! The Violet Flame – Divine Qualities Series, Spring 2022 Recording & info here.
Zoom Classes Wednesdays — February 23rd, 5pm PST / 8pm EST — The Violet Flame with St. Germaine
Wednesday Classes on Zoom with Kathleen How Things Work in the Higher Realms Topic: The Violet Flame with St. Germaine Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST Join Zoom Meeting pwd=VENaZThBSmdKcVVqTnlCVkp0NzRkZz09 Meeting ID: 814 3024 6459 Passcode: 653399 One tap mobile +17789072071,,81430246459#,,,,*653399# Canada +12042727920,,81430246459#,,,,*653399# Canada Dial by your location +1 […]
Rescheduled: Sending Love with St. Germaine — Twosday Feb. 22nd — 5pm PST / 8pm EST on Zoom
Thank you to everyone joining Sending Love this Twosday using the Violet Flame. . . Much gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, kingdom transmuters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia, everyOne. Upon joining the Zoom call, I’ll be welcoming, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones […]
St. Germaine & the Violet Flame: Operation Torch for War Within and Without
Through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, St. Germaine says that with the energy of the Violet Flame, which can be the Bonfire, Torch or Single Flame, we can change a Universe, a planet, an individual. . . The Violet Flame helps us to make peace with our fears, our ego, to forgive […]
Saint Germain: Transformation of the Illusion
by James McConnell I am your Saint Germain. And I applaud you, each and every one of you, for speaking about transformation. For this entire experience that you are going through is all about that, all about transformation. Transforming your very lives. Transforming the illusion that, as I said, is no longer there. Transforming […]
St Germain: Questions – Week 2
by Sharon Stewart Two questions from Melissa: How does one balance “forgivenesses” of others with stopped interaction with others that continue to betray you. Does forgiveness mean to forgive and still interact with people who betray you? St Germain: Hello Melissa, hello listeners. This depends entirely on what the betrayal is. If the […]
Archangel Gabrielle & St. Germaine’s Violet Flame for Addiction/Freedom – any Situation including Government, Protests
Being with Archangel Gabrielle for next Wednesday’s Zoom, listening, studying the blessing and virtue of joy, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love (1). . . her reminder to call on St. Germaine and the Violet Flame. . . Here is what Archangel Gabrielle had to say to a mother with a daughter […]
Lady Amethyst: Sacred Contemplation
by Galaxy Girl I, Lady Amethyst, invite you into this space of sacred contemplation. (We are in a massive cave filled with amethyst crystals. They are glowing a soft purple and the cavern is lit up with this lavender hue. There is a strong buzzing, a humming that fills up my cells so that […]
St. Germain: Questions and Answers
by Sharon Stewart Question: Can astral projection help with learning more about life beyond this life, and aid in spiritual growth? St Germain: This is a wonderful question and the answer is “Absolutely!” Imagine what other more advanced races of beings would have to teach you, if you simply observe their culture and their […]
Saint Germain: Many Will See the Shattering of this Illusion
by James McConnell I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time with a message. Yes, we come with messages each and every week for all of you. But there are times when we come with messages that you may not have heard of before. Or if you have heard them, they did not […]
Linda Dillon: St. Germaine – My Gift to You
This day I bring you my Violet Blaze… it is time to light this collective on fire… on fire with inspiration, on fire with intention, intuition, and action. Channeling: Greetings, I AM St. Germaine; Master and Keeper of the I AM; Master and Keeper of the Violet Flame; brother, and ally, friend of your heart, […]
Drought: 💜 Working with St. Germaine and Sending Love Monday Evenings 💚
When Steve and I did the trip up the West Coast through California, Oregon, and Washington in the fall of 2014, the drought was disturbing. We didn’t have a sense of it in Canada. To help create rain, and so much more, St. Germaine taught us to repeat the words below: Will you come with […]