February 20, 2020, jennifercrokaert.blogspot.com https://tinyurl.com/ugkrrrr You were never meant to survive. You were never meant to suffer, to feel weighed down and overloaded. You are created in the image and likeness of the Divine. You are of the Divine. It is not an extract; it is your essence, your very beingness. In this period […]
Your Soul’s Plan
Pamela Kribbe channels Mary https://tinyurl.com/s6t3cvy Dear friends, beautiful brothers and sisters, I greet you all. I am Mary, and I represent the female aspect of the Christ energy. I have stood in the light of that energy, but I have also experienced the dark side of being human on Earth. I come here with the […]
The Mother and Michael on Lightworker Protection
I know I’ve posted on this before, but the topic continues to come up. Many of us currency holders may still wonder about the issue of protection. I had several discussions with the Divine Mother and Archangel Michael in 2016 and 2017 that address the subject. I’d like to repost them here. “Transcript ~ The […]
I Am Karmic Dispensation
www.voiceoffreedom.ca The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation is a gift of new beginnings — freely given by the Mother — the opportunity to forgive those who have harmed us, but even more important, for us to forgive ourselves. As Karmic Dispensation is freely given, it is up to us to freely receive. Thank you, Blossom […]
Mary: Make Room for Angels
Mary: Make Room for Angels Pamela Kribbe channels Mary. www.jeshua.net Dear, beautiful men and women, I am Mary. I am not here alone, I am here with angels by my side. They are your angels, light beings that are connected to each one of you. Feel their gentleness, they are here for you. Each of you has […]
Jennifer Crokaert: Divine Mother ~ Australia and the Call to Love
January 8, 2020, jennifercrokaert.blogspot.com https://tinyurl.com/ub2jzyt My dearest children, Consider this, that the invitation offered by the fires in Australia is not a call for water, or for rain, but a call to love. Consider this, that the fires that burn to clear and purge, to transform and renew, are not just for the benefit of […]
Universal Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message ~ You Are The Champions
Universal Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message ~ You Are The Champions Linda Dillon, Channel for the Council of Love, Jan. 5, 2020 https://counciloflove.com/2020/01/mother-marys-new-years-message-you-are-the-champions/ Greetings, I AM Mary, I AM Maré, Universal Mother, Eternal Mother, Mother of One, and Mother of all, Mother of the oceans, and Mother of the sky, Mother of the internal, and […]
Divine Mother – Love is All
A beautiful channelled gem shared from a personal reading with Linda Dillon. Divine Mother ~ Love is All Divine Mother: Greetings, I am Mother, infinite and eternal, Mother of Change, Mother of Constancy. Mother of One, Mother of All. Welcome, my beloved, sweet angel of light, sweet teacher of blue, bridge, visionary, magenta, aqua of […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: A Completely New Beginning
December 20, 2019, jennifercrokaert.blogspot.com https://tinyurl.com/tan8m4m Do not confuse healing with alignment. Healing implies that there is something wrong, something mutated or infected, a distortion that needs to be corrected. Alignment, on the other hand, is about direction. Alignment takes as its staring point, that you are already perfect, it is just that you are looking […]
Why do People Hate?
Why do people hate? What are they seeking? Where do they end up as a result of hating and using violence against others? In 2015 and 2017, the Divine Mother addressed the subjects and I repost that discussion as being very germane today. “Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness […]
The Divine Mother: All of It is My Love
In 2015, I asked the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel to explain how love could be everything – building block, glue, and solvent. Her reply merits reposting in its entirety. “Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/06/transcript-divine-mother-unloving-emotion-density-love-lightness/ Steve Beckow: You […]
Belle’Anna Speaks of Vulnerability (Part 4/4): The Vulnerability of the Mother
Belle’Anna speaks of Vulnerability (Part 4/4): The Vulnerability of the Mother https://counciloflove.com/2019/11/belleanna-speaks-of-vulnerability-part-4-4-the-vulnerability-of-the-mother/ Part 4 of this beautiful channelled gem series shared by Elle from her reading with Linda Dillon. … continues from “Archangel Michael speaks of Vulnerability (Part 3/4)” I am Belle’Anna. Elle: Hello, beloved! Wow! [Laughter] Belle’Anna: Yes, I was beginning to wonder! And, of […]
Universal Mother Mary: The Gift Of Trust
https://https://counciloflove.com/2010/05/the-gift-of-trust/ Universal Mother Mary speaks of Trust. “If you were to look at the dramas, at the sources of conflict upon your planet in Israel and Palestine, the United Nations, in the streets of Chicago, in the gang wars of Los Angeles, and you were to say what is the core issue here? What is […]
Divine Mother speaks of Vulnerability (Part 1/4)
A beautiful channelled gem shared by Elle from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. (We have taken the executive decision of no longer making our links “hot” to address the malware problem.) Divine Mother speaks of Vulnerability (Part 1/4) https://https://counciloflove.com/2019/11/divine-mother-speaks-of-vulnerability/ Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare, Universal Mother, Divine Mother, Mother of One, Mother […]
Universal Mother Mary via Linda Dillon ~ Having the Ego in Balance
Another beautiful channelled gem shared by EBSS [Earthbound Star Soul] from his personal reading with Linda Dillon. Universal Mother Mary ~ Having the Ego in Balance https://counciloflove.com/2019/11/universal-mother-mary-having-the-ego-in-balance/ Universal Mother Mary: Greetings, I am Mary. EBSS: Greetings! UMM: Welcome, beloved one, angel of truth, angel of peace, anchor of One. And yes, I step before your […]