One of the foundations of spirituality is that the truth will set us free.
I know often when I realize and speak the truth about an upset or issue, I feel a sudden and brief uplift, a release. When I’m processing an upset, I use this release to show me that I’m getting closer to the whole truth of the matter.
I have faith therefore that the social truth will set society free as well. I therefore venture a second time into a minefield over the subject of the “ism” to attach to the cabal. (1)
One group of people are associating the cabal with “communism” and “socialism.” That links them up with such dictators as Lenin, Stalin, etc. That I suggest is probably not an accurate lineage.
Another group links them up with Hitler and the Nazis. I think this view has more merit. But what was basic to the Nazis and other fascists?
In another article I argued that a more accurate view may be that what unites the cabal – and is more basic to their identity – is that they’re elitists. They regard themselves as the chosen few, the elect, the ones fit to govern a herd of useless eaters (us).
And they’re willing to kill off most of the planet to own it and rule.
They’re the apotheosis of the us-against-them philosophy, looking out for Number 1, the struggle for survival, the law of the jungle, nature red in tooth and claw.
The strongest (them) survive; the weakest (us) go to the wall. Their creed is in large measure simple social Darwinism. (2)
Goldenlight’s sources put the matter to us in 2013:
“There are those who are assisting with the upliftment of mankind and the removal of the slavery system on your planet with all of the wealth and power in the hands of the few. Yes, the wealth is going to be redistributed and it will finally dawn on mankind that yes, we are all One and yes, there will be new governments and no borders, for everyone will realize that they are all in this together – One People, One Planet Earth, working together for the benefit of All, not the elitism of the few. (3)
Not the elitism of the few.
I wish we’d stop trying to link them up with one stream of murderers or another and look deeper. I don’t think they link themselves up with them except to create a winning identity in their own circles. Such a linkage has some merit, no doubt, but if we stop there, it isn’t decisively explanatory.
What is decisively explanatory is that everything is for their own profit, their own conspicuous survival, their own power and advancement. They have no other credo than self-interest.
And they share the willingness to watch billions of people die to inherit from them a planet where they as an elite group rule and all others serve the rulers’ interests. So how far they’re prepared to go (omnicide) is another thing they share.
There’s not a thought as to what might benefit society, their fellow humans, the planet, etc.
Never mind Hitler and Stalin. Our models can be found closer to home.
Our models are inside us; they are opportunism, snobbery, judgmentalness, self-service, and similar attitudes. I certainly see them in myself.
These are the breeding grounds for elitism, not historical figures who caused endless misery and went down ignonimously themselves. Figures for whom the self-serving have no love, but mention and imitate only because it serves their own self-enclosing interests to frighten others.
(1) “Not Nazism or Communism; Simply Elitism,”
(2) Three articles on the cabal’s social Darwinism are:
“Basic Third-Dimensional Illusion: Separate Selves Struggling for Survival amid Seeming Scarcity,” May 17, 2020, at
“Killing for Market Share: The Old Paradigm in Business – Part 1/2,” April 16, 2018, at
“Killing for Market Share: The Old Paradigm in Business – Part 2/2,” July 15, 2015, at
(3) “Council of Angels and Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight ~ The Global Reset of all Systems in Preparation for the Golden Age on Earth,” channeled by Goldenlight, July 25, 2013 at