Audio version. Video version. Divine blessings and gifts of light extend from the essence of my being to you. I am Mother Earth. I am the pure consciousness and source of the Earth. I come forth to communicate with you as we have a contract together of co-creation. In order for us to exist within this […]
Mother Earth via Natalie Glasson: Harnessing the Power and Essence Within You
Audio version. YouTube version. Beloved soul incarnate upon my body, I send my energy, love and truth to you, I am Mother Earth. It is a great honour to connect with your heart chakra from the space of my profound love for you. We are one, we are reflections of each other, I am you, […]
Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians and Gaia – Transmuting The Inner and Outer Elementals.
Reality starts as a “dream.” Then you become aware of the dream. As the “dream,” which quickly becomes dreams, unfolds into the NOW of each moment, you perceive them all simultaneously. Then, every moment exists within the NOW of all moments. In the fifth dimension we can interact in a way that appears to exceed […]
The Earth via Pamela Kribbe: The Root Chakra
Dear friends, I am Earth. I love you, you are my children. You move about on my surface while you are busy with the pressures of your everyday life, and I follow you and long to urge you to return to the core of who you are. I want to awaken you to who […]
Suzanne Lie: Gaia’s Story.
My Dearest Partners in Ascension, First, allow me to answer a question that I have been asked by many of my Awakened Ones. This question is, “How can I best serve the process of planetary Ascension?” My first response is – patiently. I know that patience is not a common trait in today’s modern world. […]
Suzanne Lie: Fulfilling Your Mission to Gaia – The Arcturians and your Higher SELF
As the process of shifting frequencies of reality accelerates, many of our leaders have been moving through initiations, which are initiated by the forces of darkness, greed and power-overs. These dark Ones are becoming concerned that perhaps those “silly prophesies” might be real. Therefore, they are going after those who have a presence on the […]
Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians and Gaia – Are You Ready?
Beloved ONES, We are here within the NOW to ask you if you are ready to move into the next octave of your service? We know that you ARE READY as we can see it within your hearts and minds. We ask you because we want you to hear yourself say, “YES. I AM ready!” […]
Suzanne Lie: Gaia Speaks About Her Elementals
Dear People Of My Planet I am Gaia, your sister, your friend, your partner and your planet.I want to speak to you for a moment from my Heart Chakra in Maui, Hawaii. The sweet Essence of my Love flows across this verdant land with the ever- present trade winds and soaks into my earth with […]
Suzanne Lie: The Sylphs, Gaia’s Air Elementals, Speak
Good Nowness Dear Humans, We the Air Elementals, the Sylphs, have come to speak with you this day. We are so honored to be able to have a voice for the ears of humanity. Always, we have floated past humans without you ever knowing we are with you. We have often whispered in your ear, […]
Suzanne Lie: Translating Light Language – Goddesses Ascending Gaia
Dear Readers, I was making a composite picture to use for our upcoming Goddess Webinar, and I realized that the picture was a Light Language message. I had just finished channeling the Arcturians for a class on “Reading Light Language,” and realized that I had learned/remembered some skills for reading Light Language that I had […]
Suzanne Lie: The Elementals Speak.
The Undines, Water Elementals Good Nowness, Dear Humans, We Undines, the Water Elementals, are joyous to speak with our humans. We say “our” humans because our Element of water fills so much of your Earth vessel. We know that our work is very important, as water is the greatest resource on Gaia’s body. However, many […]
Suzanne Lie: Gaia Speaks – A Collection of Messages from Gaia Our Mother Earth. The Mystical Marriage.
The Mystical Marriage As the Goddess Energy is revitalized on my planet, masculine and feminine polarities will merge in the Mystical Marriage. Then women will FEEL their Inner Male and men will FEEL their Inner Female. Furthermore, this merging of the God and Goddess Energy within your physical Earth vessels will activate your Inner Divine […]
Suzanne Lie: Gaia Speaks – A Collection of Messages from Gaia Our Mother Earth. Dear People of my Body.
Dear People of my Body Dear ONES, I am Gaia . I am joyous to communicate with you, the People of my Body. I am very grateful for the connection made from MY heart, to YOUR heart, to the heart of the Sun, then to the heart of the Great Central Sun. Our entire Galaxy is […]
Suzanne Lie: Gaia Speaks – A Collection of Messages from Gaia Our Mother Earth. My Dear Human Inhabitants.
My Dear Human Inhabitants The physical structures of form in this quadrant of space are preparing to transmute into the higher frequencies of Spirit. By Spirit I mean that which is infused with the Light of Creation. This Light of Creation serves as a higher dimensional screen upon which thought can be projected and then […]
Suzanne Lie: Conscious Portals 4 Gaia – Mytre and the Arcturians
I look again at the place in my office where I first saw Mytre and the Arcturian. Yes, they are there still there, in exactly the same manner as when I first saw them. As soon as I acknowledge that they are here, I open my computer to document their message: Dear Suzille, Remember that […]
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