The Mystical Marriage
As the Goddess Energy is revitalized on my planet, masculine and feminine polarities will merge in the Mystical Marriage. Then women will FEEL their Inner Male and men will FEEL their Inner Female. Furthermore, this merging of the God and Goddess Energy within your physical Earth vessels will activate your Inner Divine Child, who will mature into your Divine Adult.
Know that the form that your SELF wears, your current Earth vessel, is the Physical Temple of your Spirit. Unconditionally Love your Temple as you Unconditionally Love your Spirit SELF. See, hear and feel the Life within all form, and love it unconditionally. I ask those of you now incarnated in a male form to also remember the female Essence that lives within YOU.
In that manner, you can again honor the Goddess without feeling that you are somehow compromising yourself. As both Priests and Priestesses return to Lightbody, the Mystical Marriage of male and female will merge your gender polarities into the ONENESS of the higher worlds.
You, my dear people who have awakened to your Unity with ALL Life, know that I, Gaia, am ALIVE. You are the “Clock-setters” who have returned from your true SELVES on Arcturus, the Pleiades, Sirius, or another higher dimensional reality to incarnate on my body in this long-awaited moment. These higher dimensional aspects of your SELF are simultaneously alive and guiding you from your higher dimensional realities.
As a Clock-setter, you were among the first who came here to initiate third dimensional time. You entered the 3D Experiment when Earth, in fact the entire galaxy, was fourth dimensional. The Clock-setters were the ones who initiated the filters of manifestation to create a vibratory rate low enough to accumulate matter. In other words, you decelerated the vibratory rate enough for “time” to become locked into the photons of my consciousness.
You may wonder what I mean by that statement, so allow me to explain. Our fifth dimensional resonant energy is so high that the spin of light photons does not allow polarization. Light and dark, male and female are exactly the same. As the vibration lowers, so does the spin. As the spin lowers in frequency, there is a start of one cycle and an end to another cycle. Therefore, there is “time,” as there is a beginning and an end. Between this “beginning” and “end” is a “time-period.”
To further explain, a cycle is one complete rotation of a light molecule. In the fifth dimension, the spin is so rapid that it is continuous, with no beginning and no end. Because of this, “one” complete rotation is not measurable.
In the fourth dimension, the spin is slowed enough to create polarization. However, the fourth dimensional rate of spin is wavering and unstable, as it tries to create form in an ever-changing reality. The forms, which are a result of this divergent spin, are extremely mutable and prone to change.
In the third dimension, time and form are very stable because the spin is incredibly slow in relation to the higher planes. The rate of spin of light photons for the physical world is so slow that matter is able to adhere to it. As this happens, the spin becomes even slower; more matter, slower still, even more matter, even slower.
We, the Planetary Consciousness of Gaia, desired the third dimensional experience of form/space and movement/time. We had already experienced our fifth dimensional character as a Star, our fourth dimensional reality as the Kingdom of Faerie, and our ethereal world as Lemuria. At the time of Atlantis, our vibration was of the lower fourth dimension, but it quickly fell to the third dimension after Atlantis’s demise.
We, the manifested components of Gaia’s consciousness, wanted to have a different perception. Therefore, we decided to allow ourselves to be lowered into the third dimension in order to gather new experiences. We wanted to see if Spirit could be maintained in such a low frequency form. We, the Beings who are Gaia, are unique in our decision to create and inhabit life on a third dimensional planet. Many third dimensional planets did not make that choice.
The Clock-setters lived in the final days of the Mayan Civilization, just before the last evacuation of the Mayan Founders to their Home Worlds. These Mayan Elders calibrated Earth’s “clock” to enter into the Photon Belt at this “time.” It is the entry into the higher frequency Light of the Photon Belt that will activate the commencement of Planetary Ascension in 2012.
As I said earlier, Earth has been a challenging point, a corner stone, for the Ascension of this Galaxy, as it carries third dimensional life. Because of the fear of my planet’s inhabitants, the planetary frequency is lower than much of our Galaxy.
All the Beings of the Planet Earth, myself included, have taken on a great trial in that we are the planet of emotion. The emotions of rage and terror lowers the planetary vibration, whereas, the emotions of bliss and spiritual love raises the planetary vibration.
You, the brave Souls who have incarnated on my body, know that it is quite difficult to remember your fifth dimensional Lightbody after you’ve experienced many lives of third dimensional emotion. It is also complicated to raise your vibration because life in the third dimension creates an addiction to the reward of physical, sensate pleasures.
This addiction is amplified by your need for comfort due to the many fears and sorrows of physical life. Furthermore, the social pressure to excel in the eyes of others creates a need for outside reward and the social status of possessions. As a result, in order to raise your vibration, you will need to release your sensate addictions and your desire for possessions and rewards.
The third dimensional world has been based on “hard work” and “reward.” This process has been very addictive as well, as a myth has been created over many incarnations that you must put energy-out to receive energy-back. This perspective leads to the belief that you must work hard and struggle in order to create a home, a job, a child. However, from the fifth dimensional perspective, work is not necessary for creation. Manifestation is done instantly with ease and Unconditional Love.
The “tenet” of the third dimension is that you must DO in order to obtain or create. On the other hand, in the higher dimensions, the “tenet” is that you must BE in order to create. Third dimensional creativity is active and receptive, whereas fifth dimensional creativity is passive and expressive. Expression of SELF is the only concept of “possession” in the dimensions above the fourth, as you “create” by BEING still and allowing your Essence to flow through you.
Fifth dimensional consciousness, and beyond, is innately constant, focused and joyful. You will not need to try or learn. All you need “do” is be still and remember Unconditional Love and Boundless Joy. Yes, I understand how difficult that can be while holding a third dimensional form. However, this remembrance will serve to accelerate the spin of the photons in your body, and facilitate your integration of the Higher Light of your Soul/SELF.
Look to my animal kingdom to see how to joyfully play with each other.
Mother Earth,
Gaia Speaks – A Collection of Messages from Gaia Our Mother Earth. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. October 3, 2015.