Patricia continues to step out. Patricia seems to have taken on the creation of conscious convergence in unitive consciousness for this generation. Notice again the emphasis on overcoming habitual reaction patterns. I’m not making this up: Everyone is talking about it. We Are One. There Is No Separation. 10-10-10 by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles Humanity […]
SaLuSa: The Disclosure Plan Has Been Agreed to
SaLuSa appears to confirm what I’ve suspected – that the dark cabal is creating false-flags to scuttle disclosure. He warns us that some of the big events may be preceded by chaos. He tells us that the galactics have reduced the impact of volcanoes and other natural forces. He tells us the disclosure procedure has […]
This is But a Stepping Stone
More words arise to be said about this last topic – “Wanting, Waiting, Longing, Loving.” I said earlier “what we may fail to realize is that the whole of life is set up, purposely designed, around a model of wanting, waiting and longing.” I feel the need to expand on that statement by describing the […]
Enlightened Business Summit, Oct. 25-29, 2010
My own predilections don’t lean in the direction of business and so I can easily overlook the fact that business is also transforming, along with the rest of society. So to give attention to the r[apid]evolution that is happening in business, I post the Shift Network’s Stephen Dinan’s invitation to the Enlightened Business Summit, happening […]
Free Screening of "The Day Before Disclosure"
I’m aware that some readers are not able to make this link work. I’ve tried going to the site twice now and both times it’s worked for me. Sorry, I have no explanation at this time. We are in the day before disclosure. The producer of the film, The Day Before Disclosure, has decided that, […]
Lauren Gorgo: Morphogenetic Resonance: From Causal to Conscious Creation
Again another keeper. Notice how Lauren says: “After we emerge on other side of the 6 weeks of diagnostic testing (read: reflections of our past and old emotional wounds presented to test our ability to remain neutral), ….many will begin looking back on this present incarnation as one from a former time and place, a […]
Saul: Reality Contains Nothing That is Not in Loving Harmony with God
Oct. 6, 2010 As the moment for humanity’s great awakening approaches, continue to hold the light, strengthen your intent to do so, and allow the divine energy field that envelops you to flow easily and exuberantly through you, as you continue to accept your roles as conduits for it. The effect that each one […]
Chris Looks at Third Episode of "The Event"
Chris expresses his willingness to give his analysis of “The Event,” and its relevance to the current state of public opinion, disclosure, etc. He supplies the viewing notes and his comments in square brackets, I’m game if Chris wishes to take up the work. ‘The Event’ – Episode 3: “Protect Them from the Truth” Viewing […]
Archangel Michael: Law of the Circle. Law of the Triangle
Message from Archangel Michael October 2010 “LAW OF THE CIRCLE * LAW OF THE TRIANGLE” Transmitted Through Ronna Herman Beloved masters, you have been living in an unreal world: a world of illusion whereby the truth has been distorted, altered and even deleted in order to take away your God-given powers and keep you […]
Lisa Renee: What is Ascension?
Some years ago, Lisa Renee wrote this introduction to Ascension. In my view, Lisa was an “early riser” and has been showing the way for the rest of us since her kundalini release, which appears to be an awakening experience rather than what Ascension promises to be, some time back. Notice the amount of time […]
Wanting, Waiting, Longing, Loving
So many people are expressing their tiredness of wanting and waiting and yet the need to wait seems to go on. What we may fail to realize is that the whole of life is set up, purposely designed, around a model of wanting, waiting and longing and that what we need to do with it […]
Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of October
Jennifer Hoffman again reminds us that our work of the present moment is to release the old and embrace the new. The old is our baggage, our issues, our unfinished business and the new is our building powers of co-creatorship. Monday, 4 October, 2010 Lately every month seems to have its special challenges and […]
Few Events in "The Event" … Yaaaawwwnnnn
Looks like The Event intends to be running well past Disclosure. Past Ascension maybe. Maybe it was always planned that way. The series doles out clues more parsimoniously than Scrooge did money. One step forward into clarity and 140 steps backward into complication and commotion. So far events come down on the side of harsh […]
Jill Bolte-Taylor on Processing Upsets
I mentioned earlier that the number of people who are putting out a process of clearing vasanas (habitual reaction patterns) based on being with the upset and observing it just keeps growing. My good friend, Ed, came over this evening with a new tape from Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor where she also now describes that process. […]
Chris: Clawing at the Grass for Brakes
I’m a great fan of Chris’s. Chris speculates here on 10/10/10. As background, our sources have said that the energies on the planet are being increased gradually and gently. 10/01/01 is said to be another occasion for an increase. Clawing at Grass for Brakes Monday, October 04, 2010 Last Monday was such a watershed […]