Talking about the heart, as much as is known, may sound as incomprehensible at times as speaking a foreign language. It’s a feature of Third Dimensionality and, apparently, of lower Fourth Dimensionality that the door of the heart, which some call the hridayam (others reserve that word for the heart itself) is closed. Standard Disclaimer […]
Invisible People: Human Beings First & Housing First
Invisible People traveled to Finland to see the remarkable success they are having reducing homelessness. Finland’s success is credited to the innovative Housing First—which began in North America. Where Housing First is Used Widely adopted in North America: Housing First is increasingly used across the United States and Canada, with many cities implementing programs based […]
A Dip into the Waters of the Mother . . . Being in the Flow
Jesus reminds us to remember to stand in the flow of the energy from Source, especially now when we have much change in the political realms in Canada, America, around the world, to stay in the middle of our being. Also, everyone has a silver cord from the centre of the top of our heads […]
St. Germaine Reminds Us to Make, Fill, Program our Food with Love
In March 2017, St. Germaine shared tips, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, to maintain our bodies, saying: Beloveds, if you are not in that conversation with your body, I am pleading, guiding, directing, begging you to begin. When St. Germaine was in form, he attended many times very elaborate banquets, and […]
Repost: St. Francis of Assisi: What Makes You Feel Joyous? Heavenly Blessings, September 27, 2016
St. Francis Of Assisi ~ What Makes You Feel Joyous? “What makes you feel joyous?” It’s such a simple question, and yet it’s a question that’s being ignored by so many. … But when I encourage you to be the instrument and your Instrument of Love, that is what I am talking about when I […]
Gregg Braden: Pure Human Divinity & Sanat Kumara: Purpose of Life
If you ever doubt your Divinity . . . Gregg Braden explains from his human scientific point of view. As a side note, one of my guides, Zennoni, through Linda Dillon had this to say about the future of computer and chips: “You know in the future, computers will be very different. “It will be […]
Lead, Kindly Light
If I understand matters correctly, the white hats are using such things as the outbreak of street violence in New York City as a cover for taking down the cabal in that deep-state center. JFK Jr. on Telegram tells us: “The plan is in motion. Behind the scenes, the Global Military Alliance is carrying out […]
Every Officer a CEO; or, Take the Tide at its Flow
The way I see common enterprise of whatever kind running in the future is that whoever is the presiding officer – in whatever type of organization and at whatever level – is within their own domain a CEO. (1) Now that doesn’t mean they become a dictator, although some CEOs do. It means that, within […]
Helsinki, Singapore, Lisbon & Italy–Heaven on Earth?
Lao Tzu, when he taught us the blessing and virtue of humility (1) through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, talked of Heaven on Earth: The Kingdom of Heaven is whatever you want it to be. It is your heart. It is your child at rest. It is Cities of Light which are […]
Ask for a Heart Opening
I’m adrift in reflection, Thank you for allowing me…. This is doing me a world of good: All the fruits of this world are never going to satisfy us. Take taste for instance. Taste occurs when a food substance passes over some receptors at the back of the throat. I taste the chocolate, say, […]
Card Readings for Healing
Last week I was at WISH, a shelter for sex workers in Vancouver. I intend to go there once a month and sit with whomever would like a card reading, even the staff on their breaks. Liz came in first. She smelled really badly and was high. Her head kept falling and resting on her […]
At Last We Know How the World Will Work for Everyone
I keep reading articles on freedom of speech that fail to see that it’s a limited right. Just a few minutes ago, I listened to a popular conservative commentator say, “I’m a free speech absolutist.” But free speech itself is not absolute, by its very nature. Protecting one person’s free speech may mean curtailing […]
Infinite Potential, the Law of Compassion, Bending a Knee
Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Rishikesh, India: We spend our lives pushing to be higher and higher, better and better. We want to be the best, to be the top, to be number one. But at what stake? What do we give up in the process? They say, ‘The mark of a true man is not […]
Letting Go of a Paradigm that Doesn’t Work
I had occasion recently to reflect on the differences between the academic world as I knew it when I left it in 1987, after my vision of the purpose of life, (1) and my own perspective, as it had been informed up to that time by experiences, reading, travel, etc. Most of us alive […]
Krishna: Love All, Hate None, Heal All, Hurt None = Transformation
Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji in Rishikesh, India: I heard a story of a college professor in New York who gave his business economy students the assignment of going into a slum and finding ten children each to interview. Then, the university students had to prepare reports on each of the ten children they had interviewed. The […]