I’m adrift in reflection, Thank you for allowing me…. This is doing me a world of good:
All the fruits of this world are never going to satisfy us.
Take taste for instance. Taste occurs when a food substance passes over some receptors at the back of the throat. I taste the chocolate, say, as it passes over these receptors.
If I want to live in love and bliss, which I do, what am I to do? Have an endless flow of chocolate going down my throat?
Moreover, the taste of chocolate is there and then it’s gone.
But I want to live continuously in love and bliss.
The ascended space – the space of the Fifth Dimension and higher – offers a love, and later a bliss, that is everything we want, have asked for, and have been seeking. We won’t find it outside ourselves or in any sensory pleasures. We’ll find it flowing freely, like the air, inside the multidimensional portal that the heart is.
Higher-dimensional love is the most pleasurable thing you’ll ever have encountered. It’s what you wanted from massage, drugs, yoga, adrenalin sports – only a world beyond.
It’s so far beyond sexual orgasm – a heart opening is as if our whole body suddenly exploded and we were immersed in a totally-satisfying and never-ending artesian well of incomparable, fulfilling love for all and everything.
Ask for a heart opening. Our guides, abiding by the Law of Free Will, won’t give us what we don’t ask for.
But all that needs to remain knowledge shared by a few, the few who risk ridicule by communicating with and reading communications from ascended levels all the way up to the Divine Mother. Beyond whom there is no communicating. (1)
When the mockingbird media is gone, it may be safe for “nimble mammals” to peek out of their hidey-holes. (2) The world may then be ready to hear about such things as the divine qualities and the wonderful gift of love that awaits us. (3)
Michael says he brings everyone to this blog who needs to read it. I hope it continues to be that way. I have no desire to advertise and we live only by your donations.
(1) The Father does not speak. She is the Voice [Aum] of One crying in the wilderness.
That ringing in your ear? It’s not tinnitus. It’s the voice of Aum, the universal creative vibration, an aspect of the Mother.
On the nature of the Divine Mother, see:
- It’s All a Journey of Love: The Divine Mother in Her Own Words at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Its-All-a-Journey-of-Love-R16.pdf
- “On the Nature of the Divine Mother” in All Paths Lead to the Mother at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/All-Paths-Lead-to-the-Mother-R4.pdf
- Grandeur Beyond Grandeur: Toward a Cross-Cultural Spirituality Vol. 3: The Trinity at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Grandeur-Beyond-Grandeur-3-8.pdf
(2) On the emergence of the nimble mammals (us) and retreat of the dinosaurs (cabal), see:
- “Nimble Mammals 4; Brainless Dinosaurs ø”
- “Nimble Mammals Becoming Nimbler,”
- “Nimble Mammals Outlast the Dinosaurs,”
For background, see “I Accuse,”
(3) On the divine qualities, see:
- On the Divine Qualities at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/On-the-Divine-Qualities-R5.pdf
- On the Nature and Significance of the Divine Qualities at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Nature-and-Significance-of-the-Divine-Qualities-3.pdf
On transformative love, see Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Love-Like-We-Never-Imagined-It-to-Be-R15.pdf