“Barry” at the WordPress blogsite called “Personality and Spirituality” has posted an article on a theme close to my heart – the utility of a practice called “Enlightenment Intensives” for clearing up the unfinished business in our lives and clearing the obstacles to revealing ourselves to ourselves. Based on the work of Charles Berner, who […]
What I Consider to be Drunvalo's Best Interview
Ok, since I’ve come out of the closet on my admiration for Drunvalo Melchizedek, let me direct you to possibly the best interview with him that I’m aware of. I remember taking a friend who was skeptical about 9/11 being an inside job to a lecture by William Rodriguez, the WTC janitor who became a […]
Drunvalo Melchizedek: Live Broadcast on Earth Day
Everyone has their own favorite wayshower among the many who are springing up at this time. Some like David Wilcock best; others Sheldan Nidle. For me, it’s Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo mentions in this Youtube video that he will be giving a ,live broadcast on Earth Day, April 22, 2010 that details the history of the […]
A Significant Near-Death Experience
“Anita” had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Fred Burks shares her experience of “death.” One can read this as simoply another NDE or one can see in it some pretty significant revealtions. The first is that we are told our guides asre always around us and Anita demonstrates this. The second is that we are told that, […]
Ken Wilber on Evolutionary Enlightenment
The Evolution of Spirit: God, Enlightenment and the Path Ahead With Ken Wilber Is God evolving? Does enlightenment change? Can consciousness develop over time? Why is metaphysics bad? Explore these essential spiritual questions and much more in this fascinating dialogue with renowned Integral philosopher Ken Wilber. Ken Wilber on Evolutionary Enlightenment
Drunvalo Melchizedek on Mayan Spirituality
This is a rare find – Drunvalo Melchizedek (1) describes his journey into native spirituality, beginning with the Taos Pueblo and progressing through the Central-American Mayan tribes. But Drunvalo goes into very much more than just his own spiritual journey. A group representing the range of world religions journeyed with Mayan elder Don Alejandro to […]
Drunvalo Melchizedek on 2012
[Drunvalo’s eight-part video series appears at the end of this article.] Drunvalo Melchizedek occupies a special place among 2012 commentators. Himself a highly-evolved wayshower, he’s been given an honored role by the Mayan elders to interpret their calendar and the coming events of 2012. Drunvalo was, I believe, a Pueblo Indian in his last lifetime, […]
"Little Grandmother" on 2012
Wonderful multi-part video in which a native-American shaman, “Little Grandmother,” talks about 2012, including the changes that will come before, the role of the native “wisdom keepers” in spreading the message, the fall of big government and big religion, etc. Even though she, as she says, is the whitest, blondest, non-native American-looking among the wisdom […]
Saul: Loving Kindness is a State of Being
If there is anyone out there who hasn’t read Saul yet, it’s my pleasure to offer one of his frequent messages. https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ Life is eternal because it was given by the Father to His Son and nothing that He creates will ever end or die. God is Love, infinite, unconditional, and eternal, and that is […]
That Shift….
The website Stillness Speaks combines Adyashanti and Eckhart Tolle in one video talking about the essential shift in consciousness that probably lies at the heart of our efforts to ascend. For me, the points that Adya and Eckhart make here are the nub of the spiritual matter. But, in case that whets your appetite for […]
Beyond the Threshold
I realize that this video is dense, but I’ve seldom heard a more informative and helpful discussion of what’s happening at the moment and in the future in relation to Ascension. The video discusses the context of Ascension, its process, how best to orient towards it, and our role in it. It is a clarion […]
Councillor Adrian Hicks Describes Contact
Adrian Hicks was an orthopedic custom technician for 36 years, treating hundreds of thousands of people, when one day he noticed a woman walking strangely in his town of Winchester, England. She walked with a penguin-like gait swinging her arms strangely. Her features were humanoid. She seemed in no hurry and stayed within his sight […]
Galactic Amabassadors
The post on the Mars space colony mentioned both Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Ki’Lia. Ki’Lia (whose name means “heavenly queen”) describes herself as “a dynamic artist and futurist, who offers puzzles and keys from the higher paradise realms and sacred song/dance rituals to heal a world in crisis. She has worked as an accomplished innovative […]
David Wilcock: "Be at Peace with the Coming Changes"
David Wilcock has just released an intuitive reading obtained a month ago, which has some very useful advice on how to respond to the coming changes, some of which may involve personal crises endured as karmic cleansing. by David Wilcock https://divinecosmos.com/index.php/start-here/davids-blog/809-coming-changes-reading January 5, 2010 The reason you are up in the middle of the night […]
Watch for Wayshower Werner Erhard
My brother Paul was over visiting the other day and showed me a Wayshower who is making his presence known again after years of working behind the scenes. Remember the name: Werner Erhard. We all hear that it is time for the Wayshowers to step into the limelight and I think that Werner us one […]
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