The post on the Mars space colony mentioned both Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Ki’Lia. Ki’Lia (whose name means “heavenly queen”) describes herself as “a dynamic artist and futurist, who offers puzzles and keys from the higher paradise realms and sacred song/dance rituals to heal a world in crisis. She has worked as an accomplished innovative and multidisciplinary design consultant with many renowned new paradigm leaders.
“Highlighting 2012 as the ancient and modern prophesied date of the Global Shift, she is currently developing a theatrical/filmic suite of music, dance and paintings based on her strong, decade-plus technical background and inspiration from the lost God/dess force that is returning to birth a new universal humanity.”
One of the delights her website offers is the outline of a course called “Galactic Ambassadors.”
The outline is itself so informative that I offer it here. The galactics have said that wayshowers will come (1) and Ki’Lia and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower appear to be two of them.
I hope you enjoy this summary as a wonderful introduction to the subject of the 2012 Scenario.
I. Shift of Ages
Disclosure Movement
Ancient Game
The universal playground of Mother Goddesses and Father Gods, and the playing out of archetypal roles in the multiverse. The range of avatars, extraterrestrials, interdimensionals and light forms. The frequency grid around Earth to quarantine humanity from stargate travel and galactic knowledge. The ending reign of dragon Marduk, Annunaki and fallen angelics as 3D pyramidal controllers of energy, space, time, weather, society and mind.
Truth vs. Disinformation
Discerning between truth and disinformation memes from emerging whistleblowers and insider leaks on ET treaties, life on Mars, teleportation, time travel and other exotic technologies. Unambiguous mass UFO sightings, crop circle messages, exopolitical campaigns, and citizen contact with various star systems and galactic councils. The escalating grassroots media phenomenon to spread the truths, amidst institutional debunkings. The possibilities of the formal acknowledgement of the ET presence by the world’s governments.
Goddess Return
The lost World Goddess archetypal embodiments – Sophia, Shekinah, Magdalene, Isis, etc – coming out of thousands of years of exile to unify with the divine male. The necessary intuitive and integrative feminine voice in masculine controlled Disclosure politics. The empowering of all to inner union and Earth guardianship. The birth and rising of indigo, rainbow and crystal children as global revolutionaries.
2012 Prophecies
Mayan, Hopi, Hindu and Taoist world calendars, Venus Transit, Great Pyramid timeline, and their perspectives on the 2012 date as an end of an epoch and a transcendent window. What governments and secret societies know and their doomsday agendas. Prophets as time travelers accessing alternate realities to give warnings and hope.
Science of Consciousness
An overview of the Global Grid, Earth magnetic fields, solar flare cycles, interplanetary climate change, galactic Central Sun, Nibiru, Inner Earth, Pole Shift, plasma grails, cymatic glyphs, photon jumps, and species evolutionary leaps. How individual consciousness interfaces and affects these phenomena.