From Ms. Magazine. Despite decades of progress in closing the gender equality gap, almost nine out of 10 men and women around the world hold some sort of bias against women, according to new findings published on Thursday from the UN Development Programmme (UNDP). The first of its kind, the UNDP Gender Social Norms Index analyzed […]
For the 1st Time, Architecture’s Most Prestigious Prize is Awarded to 2 Women
Yvonne Farrell: ” . . . how we imagine ourselves optimistically with all the potential that architecture inherently has — to make new worlds and to make new futures.” By Neda Ullaby, NPR News, March 3, 2020 In a video released by the Pritzker Architecture Prize, commonly seen as the Nobel of the architecture […]
March 9th – Women in Mexico Withdraw for Gender Rights
“No women in offices or schools. No women in restaurants or stores. No women on public transportation, in cars or on the street. “A country without women, for one day. “An alliance of feminist groups in Mexico that — fueled by the rising violence against women and girls, including two horrific murders that appalled the […]
Archangel Michael on the Promise of Sacred Partnership
Archangel Michael once blessed a relationship I was in. What he said on that occasion really deserves to be more widely read. Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 30, 2015. Archangel Michael: Dearest heart, do you not think that you are asking us to bless you [after] the […]
Russian Advocates against Domestic Violence Branded ‘Enemies of the Family’
Warning: This story contains graphic details By Chris Brown, CBC News, February 25, 2020 Given the savagery of what Margarita Gracheva’s husband did to her, you’d think Russian lawmakers would want to stop it from happening to other women. Instead, attitudes toward legislating tougher laws on domestic violence remain stuck in another century. Two […]
Woman Coach at the Super Bowl?
I didn’t watch the Super Bowl. To be honest I don’t think I’ve ever watched the Super Bowl. But this morning looking at the GoodNewsNetwork Morning Jolt of Good News, giggling my way through a post called, “13 of the Best Super Bowl Ads, In Case You Missed Them,” I came across this: Katie […]
The Resurgence of the Divine Feminine – Part 4/4
(Concluded from Part 3, yesterday.) Free study of the Divine Mother and her Plan for the Golden Age, attached below. How the Two Work Together How do the Divine Feminine and Masculine work together in the balanced, androgynous person? Archangel Michael tells us that the stillness that the Divine Masculine fuels the movement of love […]
The Resurgence of the Divine Feminine – Part 2/4
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) The Use of the Gender Metaphor Before we go further, let’s look at the use of the gender metaphor to describe levels of Reality far beyond gender. The formless God is not a man and God in form is not a woman. So why use a gender metaphor to represent […]
The Resurgence of the Divine Feminine – Part 1/4
Male Dominance Ending I feel awkward turning to a male to describe the resurgence of the Divine Feminine. Please excuse me for doing so. Matthew Ward asserts that the culture of male dominance is ending: “The feminine, or goddess energy that is pouring in to balance the masculine energy that dominated Earth’s residents for millennia […]
Marianne Williamson: Keynote Address at the World Woman Summit 2019
Now is the time for Love. Below is Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson’s rousing keynote address at the World Woman Summit 2019 in Little Rock, Arkansas on November 22, 2019. “The rule that should guide us is the dictate of the heart. . .” “Sisterhood has got to mean standing for every woman’s right to […]
Archangel Gabrielle on Gender Equality – Part 4/4
My intention is to produce as much literature as possible to assist newcomers to know what’s happening right now. One part of what’s occurring is the rise of the divine feminine. Here Archangel Gabrielle discusses it and its implications. “Archangel Gabrielle/Gabriel: ‘Dear hearts, you have done it all…’” March 31, 2015, at How are […]
Archangel Gabrielle on Gender Equality – Part 3/4
My intention is to produce as much literature as possible to assist newcomers to know what’s happening right now. One part of what’s occurring is the rise of the divine feminine. Here Archangel Gabrielle discusses it and its implications. “Archangel Gabrielle/Gabriel: ‘Dear hearts, you have done it all…’” March 31, 2015, at What does […]
Archangel Gabrielle on Gender Equality – Part 2/4
My intention is to produce as much literature as possible to assist newcomers to know what’s happening right now. One part of what’s occurring is the rise of the divine feminine. Here Archangel Gabrielle discusses it and its implications. “Archangel Gabrielle/Gabriel: ‘Dear hearts, you have done it all…’” March 31, 2015, at How and […]
Archangel Gabrielle on Gender Equality – Part 1/4
As I’ve said before, my intention is to produce as much literature as possible to assist newcomers to know what’s happening right now. One part of what’s occurring is the rise of the divine feminine. Here Archangel Gabrielle discusses it and its implications. “Archangel Gabrielle/Gabriel: ‘Dear hearts, you have done it all…’” March 31, 2015, […]
Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother: Harmony Between the Divine Feminine and Masculine and Patterning
Archangel Michael has been asking us to take up his invitation to leadership and that posed a dilemma for me. How does the divine masculine respond to a call for leadership without overwhelming or threatening the divine feminine? This is a time of the resurgence of the divine feminine. How does the divine masculine fit […]