My intention is to produce as much literature as possible to assist newcomers to know what’s happening right now.
One part of what’s occurring is the rise of the divine feminine. Here Archangel Gabrielle discusses it and its implications.
“Archangel Gabrielle/Gabriel: ‘Dear hearts, you have done it all…’” March 31, 2015, at
What does the Divine Feminine bring?
The power, the grace, yes, the purity and clarity, comes forth from the feminine and it is the rebalancing, the reanchoring of all of these discordant, abhorrent energies that we discuss this day.
Where does gender inequality come from?
The prelude to the discussion of gender inequality refers back to and is founded upon, yes, those old demons…false grids, false paradigms, illusions, and might we call it delusions.
That abuse of authority, control, lack, limitation, the usurping of power in the human realm…because it is not divine…and it all, of course, refers back to the feeling of supremacy, which is in truth based in the lack of peace, the lack of love, and the lack of self-worth, the lack of any kind of feelings of self-sufficiency.
The desire – think of what I say and yes, this is very dark – but it is the desire to harm, to destroy in the most negative of senses, to control, not in ways that are simply egoic assertions at a moment in time, but consistently and profoundly. This is a very strong example of what went wrong with the human race….
Now, my beloved Steve, you know that we have had conversations about this issue of hatred…
It is a difficult conversation, but it is of truth, and it is a conversation followed by action that has need to take place upon the entire planet. There is a love-hate relationship in many instances, and in many instances veiled, literally and figuratively, of males against females, of females against males, of females against females, of males against males.
What is this hatred? Well, you know it is the lack of self-love. It is the lack of self-worth. So much of gender… we will not call it inequality, we will not call it disparity; let us call it what it is ― hatred. Because when we use such a strong word it will evoke the emotion that has need to be brought to the surface and cleared.
There is this love-hate. The males and those who have chosen to be male in this lifetime have this admiration, this ecstasy, this love, and this discordant jealousy for the woman who can bring such ecstasy, bliss, intimacy, nurturing, caring, and who can bear life.
So often, there is this disconnect in the male gender, and now we are talking the collective ideation, belief system, even the archetypal structures, is that they tend to forget that they are the givers of life as well. But there is not the demonstration of that bringing forth, of the creation.
So there is this admiration, this true love, and this jealousy at the same time. And in that there is this discordant energy that says, well, let me prove that I am stronger, that I am the master, that I am slightly better than or incredibly better than.
What has the fear that men have of women resulted in?
The fear and the anger that covers that fear of men – and we use it in that term – of humans, but particularly of the male gender not just defined by sexual organs…the fear that men have of women, of the deep rooted, societal, cultural, institutional, unconscious fear of that power, has resulted in separation, all the things that I have referred to, and then the result of those states of being, far beyond even recalcitrants, results in these various abuses.
And let me be clear, there is no such thing as mild abuse. Yes, there is anathema in many countries and in many practices in the name of society or religion or power, but any abuse is unacceptable because it is not only not the truth of the Mother/Father/One; it is not the truth of who humans are. It is not the truth.
(Continued in Part 4, tomorrow.)