Archangel Michael has been asking us to take up his invitation to leadership and that posed a dilemma for me.
How does the divine masculine respond to a call for leadership without overwhelming or threatening the divine feminine?
This is a time of the resurgence of the divine feminine. How does the divine masculine fit into that program, in terms of leadership?
AAM said that the old patriarchical paradigm was one of hierarchical tyranny, founded on not caring. The new paradigm does away with hierarchy, respects free will, and is founded on caring.
He discussed how earthly relationships are meant to reflect the divine relationship of the Heavenly Father and Divine Mother, who are always in harmony. Relationships should not be about ascendancy.
He then went over the nature and opportunity of sacred union. He said much more but let me stop there.
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In the course of his answer he mentioned again how we were patterned on the Divine Mother, seeded by the Heavenly Father.
I asked him, in the last ten minutes, exactly how things were patterned on the Divine Mother, restricting ourselves to what we lightworkers know and can understand (i.e., I was not asking for an answer from the absolute level of reality).
To my surprise, Michael stepped aside and the Divine Mother came through to answer the question.
She discussed patterning in nature and our social ways and conventions.
We agreed that the patterning was designed to give us assistance in knowing first her and then the Father. The purpose of life is to realize who we truly are – and who we truly are is God, the Mother/Father One.
Understanding 3rd-5th Dimensionality life patterns helps us understand divine patterns. How a woman and a man create life (a baby), for example, is a metaphor for how the Mother and the Father create life (an individual soul).
Preconditioning us to the one (physical procreation) makes us open and available to the knowledge of the other (the divine creation of life), when we hear about it. That’s one example of patterning as a pointer to the nature of Reality and our essence.
Well, you can see how energized I was from the discussion. Come join us.