Let’s turn now to look at what the Company of Heaven is calling upon lightworkers to do.
What do they expect of us? Want from us? They actually offer a range of opinion which we, looking for our mission, could consider a range of options.
The Arcturian Group on one occasion applauded us for plowing negativity and ignorance out of the way:
“You are the plows plowing the debris of negativity and hopeless ignorance out of the way through your hard work. You are the nitty-gritty hard workers who are making it possible for coming generations to be born into the higher world consciousness you are creating. Many issues you find so troublesome now, will not even be known to future generations.
“Pat yourselves on the back, Dear Ones, for each of you chose to courageously assist in the evolution of mankind through bringing attention and change to commonly-accepted world concepts based in duality and separation. Know that many illumined souls are on Earth at this time in bodies and situations judged by the world to be ‘less than perfect’ simply to evolve world awareness and bring change. Remember this when you are tempted to negatively judge some person or situation.” (1)
This is a very pro-active role that some lightworkers will play. In 2020, Mike Quinsey told us about a re-active role.
“The need to give help to others has never been more urgent as so many are utterly confused and have no idea what is taking place to cause so many problems.
“For them the future looks bleak and few have any idea where the present events are leading. In reality the future is full of promise enabling all such upsetting experiences to be seen in their true context as necessary to bring the new into being.” (2)
We probably went through this upset early because we knew what was happening. But most people don’t know, are confused, and are passing through their upset now or will be in the future.
More recently, as the world situation heated up, Mike asked us to come together and project thoughts of world peace:
“The more of you that send out thoughts of world peace the more you are speeding up its arrival and it cannot be ignored. You would be surprised at how much influence your thoughts can have on the population. Your only difficulty is getting sufficient people to project harmonious thoughts that have the power to bring about change. You can see how the dark Ones manipulate things to cause chaos, and set one country against another so that world peace is impossible to achieve. However, given time it will change and the vibrations will be beyond the ability of the dark Ones to interfere with them.” (3)
The galactics know the effectiveness of impacting the collective consciousness with our group meditations. We have yet to really begin valuing that.
The Arcturian Group agreed with Mike, in February 2022:
“You will find yourselves increasingly called upon to help those drawn to you with questions and concerns. They recognize your stability in the face of outer appearances and want this for themselves. You will become and many of you already are teachers to those ready for and seeking truth.
“However, even more important than the outer work is the inner work, your ability to continuously and silently BE the Light that you are for without the inner there can be no outer.” (4)
So we’re asked to reassure the hopeless, confused, and concerned. Why don’t we make that one line of service, available to those for whom it resonates.
And we’re reminded of the inner work.
Daniel Scranton’s 9D Arcturian Council goes into detail on that inner work and the kind of help we can extend to people who are confused and concerned. I found their view to be extremely perceptive. OK, OK. That is, it lined up with my own.
“Those of you who are not getting triggered by what is happening on your world right now are fortunate. If you are not in resistance to what is happening on your world, then you are one of the lucky ones. But it wasn’t luck at all that put you in the position that you are in. It was a choice that you made before you incarnated.
“And as you move forward now because of that fortunate position that you are in, you have more of an ability to turn on the vibration within you that you want to experience [for instance: to draw love up from our hearts].
“Most humans do not have that option because they either have something they need to clear, or because they have not been taught about their ability to reach within themselves and offer a vibration on purpose. [Exact on both scores.]
“That is where you come in; you are the ones to lead with your example, and you are the ones to teach others how to release and clear all of that angst, all of that fear, all of that anger, all of that rage, and all of that hate so that they can follow you to the better-feeling timelines that have been created out of your love, compassion, and desire to serve humanity.
“It doesn’t take a majority of you to be offering those vibrations, but there have been enough of you to create these timelines, and there are enough of you on Earth right now to lead humanity into a much more positive and good-feeling future.” (5)
Exactly. It doesn’t take a majority of us. Just a fraction. And that will come. The love energy streaming onto the planet and fueling our Ascension guarantee it.
We’ve been clearing our vasanas, obstacles, barriers, baggage for the last ten years, getting to the root of our early childhood trauma and freeing ourselves of it.
Let me continue tomorrow to look at what the galactics and celestials turn to us for.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. November 1, 2015. http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html
(2) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Dec. 4, 2020. Matthew Ward sounds the same note:
“When truths start emerging and the peoples are confused, disillusioned, distraught or enraged, you will become their comforters and enlighteners. They need to know it is not ‘enemy countries,’ but darkness in political leadership that has caused civil, international and world wars, flagrant injustices, famine, diseases, impoverishment and wanton environmental destruction.” (Matthew’s Message, March 2, 2022, at https://www.matthewbooks.com.)
(3) Ibid., April 28, 2022.
(4) The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, Feb. 27, 2022.
(5) “The 9D Arcturian Council: Better Timelines for the Future of Humanity,” November 22, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/11/22/the-9d-arcturian-council-better-timelines-for-the-future-of-humanity/.