Hospital ships are said to be for trafficked children in underground tunnels
Where are we right now? I write this for people who are more or less new to a “conspiracy theorist’s” view of world events. (1)
And I have to say at the outset that I’m as new to many aspects of this scene as you are, as we all are, I suspect. I’m learning on the job.
And keeping up with events is becoming a challenge. The situation changes daily. So many new videos come out these days that I can no longer watch them all.
*** Breaking News ***
Since my first draft of this article, David Wilcock has been briefed that the Alliance’s operations are definitely confirmed to be underway. (2) If so, the conspiracy theory of an undercover operation against the cabal using the pandemic as a screen is correct. David is the first person I’ve heard willing to be very definite about it.
If accurate, what does David’s news mean? Well, it means that corrupt world leaders, politicians, and other public officials are being arrested. Also arrested will be drug-running, gun-running, and child-trafficking rings, mafia and other violent gangs, Hollywood pedophiles, Vatican officials, etc.
Underground tunnels and deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) are being destroyed as we speak. Many of the earthquakes we feel and hear I understand to be DUMBs being eliminated (after the people have been evacuated).
Tens of thousands of living and dead children are allegedly being removed from these tunnels and bunkers, which are found from Mexico to Canada. The hospital ships off LA and New York are apparently there for their treatment.
On some levels coronavirus is being shown to be part hoax. On other levels, it’s completely real. It’s completely real in its effects (i.e., people are dying).
The roles of Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and Bill Gates are progressively being challenged. Dr. Fauci’s invention of an AIDS vaccine three years before AIDS showed up on the scene is being looked at. It follows the Illuminati’s doctrine of never releasing a virus they don’t already have a cure for.
Dr. Fauci’s emphasis on a vaccine now is drawing fire. Bill Gates has made no secret of his ID2020 program to microchip people using a CV19 vaccine. (3) The WHO, CDC, Fort Detrick – this is laying bare the bioweapons industry. But it also allegedly takes in most elements of the Illuminati plan.
Matthew Ward laid bare the object of their plan: To depopulate the globe:
“What is not publicized because it is known by only a few is that the intention of the coronavirus was to decrease the world’s population by billions. That will not happen because [star] family members reduced the laboratory-designed virus’s potency to the greatest possible extent.” (4)
People researching and transporting the virus to China have been shown to have had Gates Foundation financial ties. The alleged release of different strains of the virus in several places on the planet, the exaggeration of mortality figures, the MSM’s misleading the public and failing to report news of possible fraud – the cabal is losing the battle to win back its control of the public.
The Alliance considers this the cabal’s last big false-flag scenario. This is their swan song.
Hoax or not, measures like social distancing are probably still best followed, in my layman’s opinion. Not saying otherwise. All medical advice except vaccination most likely should be honored until informed to the contrary, wouldn’t you say? Common sense prevails.
I expect the air to go out of the coronavirus balloon shortly after arrests have been made, followed by indictments. (5)
I should probably bring in the Alliance or white hats here. They’re an alliance among Constitutionalists in the military, intelligence, and other organizations, which Q has been masterfully emceeing.
What do I mean by Constitutionalists? Well, the thing that unites them in my eyes is their allegiance to the Constitution of the United States (and in the case of the military to the military oath).
Their mission is to take down a group of people who’ve sought to dominate the world by any means. In this present case, it’s by launching two bioweapons: The first is a virus (Covid-19) and the second is a toxic vaccine with microchip hitchhikers.
It’s becoming increasingly evident that the Alliance or Constitutionalists became aware of the probability of a pandemic and used it as a cover to launch their “takedown” of the cabal, an event which has been rumored for at least a decade (search on “mass arrests” in the site’s search box).
This is the final showdown. This is the moment of decision.
In many cases it could escalate into a fight to the death. In his latest video, David Wilcock predicted that deaths among freedom fighters may be more than we care to think about.
Most of it is happening behind the scenes, much of it underground. This silent war has been fought for as long as I’ve been awake to things, which is since July 2007. (6) The whole Alliance operation took long years of labor, constantly at the risk of one’s life.
The Constitutionalists are neither Democrats nor Republicans. The best word to describe them is Q’s word: “Patriots.”
While we’ve been waiting for the Reval, so to speak, they’ve been hard at work behind the scenes. They’ve been collecting evidence, seeking indictments, getting schooled in a changed judicial system, training to take down underground tunnels and DUMBs, all of it following a master plan and aided by the galactics….
Excuse me? What galactics?
The same ones who’ve been reported flying above nuclear missile silos and rendering the missiles inoperable. (7)
The same ones who’ve been filmed circling a nuclear missile in flight and sending a beam at it which caused it to fail. (8)
The same ones who park above my apartment most nights, by far the brightest object in the night sky. How can anyone in these parts miss them?
(Concluded below.)
(1) Yes, I am a proud conspiracy theorist.
(2) “David Wilcock 4/22: Wikileaks Dumps ALL Files!”
(3) See ID2020 at https://id2020.org/
(4) Matthew’s Message, April 2, 2020, at https://www.matthewbooks.com.
(5) Others believe that Pres. Trump will wait until after the election because of Fauci’s popularity.
(6) Newly retired, I watched the video, In Plane Site. My life was never the same after that.
In Plane Site at https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/911-in-plane-site-documentary-2004_7nFsLhAnP5Zy6ft.html
I read of units mutinying because they were trained in terrain that resembled Iran rather than Iraq. They said they would not go to Iran. I read of the nuclear football being taken away from George Bush by the Navy. I cheered when the Navy took over Northern Command, which I associate with 9/11, thereby also taking command of the secret space fleet.
The revelations of false flags continue today. Recently Dr. Buttar related the story of a Gulf War soldier acknowledging to him that his unit set fire to the Kuwaiti oilwells. That means that the first Gulf War was started by a false-flag operation. (See “Dr Rashid Buttar exposes the conspiracy and plot behind covid19 and the fake pandemic numbers,” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yK3uXjp_hQ.)
(7) “Capt. Robert Salas – UFOs Shut Down Nuclear Missiles,” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbBc_LmXkbQ
(8) “UFO Destroys Vandenberg Missile – Prof. Robert Jacobs Testifies” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4wL4lbwwNU&t=467s