(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
If we as a society have not reached a collective level of self-worth that allows the Reval to do any good, Michael says, heaven will not release the funds.
In 2015, he observed that “there are so many that have not reached a place of self-worth that they were not ready.” (1) Their low sense of self-worth prevented their financial worth from rising. He continued:
Archangel Michael: Until such time as those that are entrusted with money – not just spiritual currency but money – until they are at a point in their spiritual evolution and growth that they can be entrusted with these funds and use them judiciously and wisely for the creation of Nova Earth and not for selfish gain, there would be no point in bestowing them upon anybody.
Steve: Is [what you’re referring to] what the Arcturians [would] call an increase in frequency?
Archangel Michael: Yes, you may call it that. It is of values. It is a heart anchoring. It is the desire not to be acquisitive, not to be selfish, not to acquire wealth for its own sake but to use it for the benefit of all.
We have been waiting for this growth in human spirituality. (2)
It’s as if we’re on the fairground standing in front of a game of ring the bell. We strike a mallet on an iron plate and see if that sends the weighted ball to the top, where it rings a bell.
If our sense of collective self-worth is too low, we won’t ring the bell.
At this moment, probably very few people are even aware of the tie-in between spiritual currency and hard currency.
St. Germaine made the connection very clear: “Spiritual currency … translates … into what you think of as financial wherewithal.” (3) That very clearly suggests the operation of the Laws of Cause and Effect and Attraction.
In other wirds, what goes around comes around. High self-valuation from us induces high valuation back from the universe. The universe reflects us back to ourselves. As without, so within, even financially.
Archangel Gabrielle was also clear on the connection:
“Your acknowledgement and surrender to your spiritual currency, your innate value throughout the omni-verse, defines your financial abundance.” (4)
So our self-valuing, if I can invent a word here, defines our financial abundance. Value ourselves a lot and the universe reflects it back to us. Value ourselves a little and the universe reflects that back to us. The universe is our mirror, giving us back our own reflection of what we put out.
(Continued tomorrow in Part 3.)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 21, 2015. Hereafter AAM.
(2) AAM, Sept. 21, 2015.
(3) “St. Germaine: You are Ready to Go Through the Ascension Portal – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, November 10, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/11/15/st-germaine-you-are-ready-to-go-through-the-ascension-portal-part-22/
(4) “Archangel Gabrielle’s New Year’s Message for 2014,” channeled through Linda Dillon, Council of Love, December 28, 2013, at http://counciloflove.com/2013/12/archangel-gabrielles-new-years-message-for-2014/