by Digger Barr
Life can often feel like a long and lonely journey even when standing in a crowd of people.
But occasionally someone comes along that breaks the ice.
The warmth of that friendship makes everything seem just right.
This is a moment of seeing someone not for who they should be but for who they are right now.
All of their faults and perfections only an enigma in time for right now, who they are is the exactly way they are supposed to be.
In this time they are the perfect reflection back at you.
These are rare connections as we usually have layers of protection and we don’t take the time to let ourselves be seen.
But on this occasion there are no layers that can hide that light that beams through the cracks and the seams.
You may not see your own light as your eyes have adjusted.
But if I have had a chance to reflect that light, I hope you were surprised at how bright you shine.
Of all the people we encounter during our journey, it may only be but a few that actually see me or see you.
What a gift when it happens.
What a gift we have to share when sharing our light.
In this moment we can only grow brighter and brighter.
Because of you I can see the reflection of me, which gives me great challenge as I want my reflection to be at its best.
As I see myself through you I am lifted up and step with encouragement.
I feel stronger and calmer. I feel seen and there is nothing more that I could ask for.
I see you and all your strength.
I am amazed by your fortitude and respect your journey with reverence and awe.
What a challenge we all have and the different ways we have been asked to serve.
It’s just fascinating the variety of ways life can be lived.
So even just a moment of sharing this journey, meeting people like you, seeing your light and your strength, gives me great hope.
Thank you for joining us here during this time.
Thank you for being the miracle that you are .
Thank you for shining your bright and shiny light.
You know it suits you And you know it is truly who you are.
And mostly, Thank you for taking the time to break the ice.
Thank you for saying Hi.
Merry Christmas y’all