I had occasion to test drive my new me after having dropped three core issues in as many months. Someone sent me along an attack on channelers by a person who suffered at the hands of the Illuminati. She now includes all channelers, ascended masters, angels and archangels in the same basket as Lucifer. In […]
Synchronicity and Universality at Eastertime
Happy Easter Sunday, everyone. I have to return and comment on Jesus’s two messages today. If I don’t, I’ll have to go outside and shout on the street what I’m seeing. And you wouldn’t want that. What follows is not about me, although a person listening with a supercritical ear might think so. It’s about […]
The Council of Nine via Tazjima: Time for Reflection and En-joyment
The Council of Nine: Time for Reflection and En-joyment, channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), March 22, 2014 at bluedragonjournal.com Greetings, this is the Council of Nine, one of the intergalactic councils overseeing the Ascension process of Gaia and humanity. We are here to present you with a missive as you emerge from […]
God and Gabriel via Suzanne Spooner: Reality and Reflection
God and Gabriel: Reality and reflection, as received by Suzanne Spooner, February 4, 2014 – https://tauksuzanne.com/2014/02/04/reality-and-reflection-a-god-gabriel-message-channeled-by-suzanne-spooner-of-tauk/ [Hello God & Gabriel!] Hi Suzy, we want to take this time to talk about reality and reflection. Given how much time is spent on defining reality, we thought it might be helpful to examine the process of reality. […]