It must be five hours after I went above the line between unconscious and conscious awareness at Starbucks. Today is Wednesday. I had to stagger home, I was so drunk with consciousness. I rode my bike down the least traveled routes and even then I felt I had to ask the archangels and everyone else […]
Taking Steps, Creating Visions
I said earlier that, if we take the first step, a bridge will appear where none was before. Well, that’s in a sense what’s happening with me. I began 2013 saying we are building Nova Earth and I had no idea where the next step would be. At times I’d turn to Archangel Michael and […]
Above the Line in the Transformed Space
I’ve just spent around six hours in what Werner Erhard in the late Seventies would have called “a transformed space.” During the experience, I was describing it to the person I was with as “my natural state.” As it happens, Jesus through John Smallman gave this insight just yesterday into our natural state: “To be […]
Sarah Elkhaldy: Knowledge Is Power – The Benefits of Conscious Awareness
Why is knowledge power? How does awareness give you more free will? When a person chooses willful ignorance over obtaining knowledge and becoming more aware of themselves and the world, they do not gain any immunity by this free will choice. Instead, they leave themselves under the rule of the “General Law” otherwise known as The Matrix. […]
Life as the Ultimate Experiment – Part 4/4
I was a social scientist, not a physical scientist so I don’t claim to be able to understand the fine points of scientific experimenting. But some basics are known and they are the importance of input, output, and conditions of transformation. Our input as human beings – this lifetime – are our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, […]
The Divine Plan for Life is Spiritual Evolution
Steve is away until Sunday night. Reposted from 2011. Spiritual Evolution is the Divine Plan for Life As they awaken to the special nature of these times, I think that many people will ask what the point of life is. There will be so much occurring and what occurs will be of such consequence that […]