A fairly comprehensive look at how agents provocateurs were organized, protected, and deployed at the Toronto G20 Conference. At the end of the video, Canadian activist Naomi Klein, author of Shock Doctrine, points out that that the highest estimate of the cost of doing security for the G20 at Pittsburgh was $100 million. A year […]
Owen Waters: Other Realms of Existence
Owen Waters makes some interesting distinctions between “dimensions” and “densities.” He confirms that 4D is the equivalent of the astral planes and 5D, which I would call the “mental planes,” (1) he calls the “soul realm.” Other Realms of Existence by Owen Waters There are twelve density layers of consciousness in existence. The higher numbers […]
Saul: Your Human Form of Justice Leaves Little Room for Love
by Saul through John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com 07/11/2010 Full consciousness — your true state of eternal existence in the Presence of God, our loving Father — will not remain hidden from you for very much longer. Your lengthy series of lives in the illusion have been a training-course to show you how, and to assist you […]
Lindsey Williams: Danger is that Using a Nuke Could Cause Oil to Flow for Thirty Years
After reading what is said here, go to the “Ready-Reference Guide on the Oil Spill,” at the head of this page, and read what the galactic and spirit teachers say about their ability to fully address the oil spill after disclosure. If I may say so, please don’t simply stop reading having listened to what […]
Is It Almost Over? BP will Try to Stop Oil Flow Next Week
By Mark Seibel McClatchy July 9, 2010 https://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/07/09/97289/is-it-almost-over-bp-will-try.html Video available at that URL. WASHINGTON – In a dramatic turn of events, the Obama administration has given BP the go-ahead to remove the containment cap atop the runaway Deepwater Horizon oil well and replace it with a tighter fitting one in an attempt to stop all […]
Billy Cooper: The Secret Government – Part 5/8
Alien Personnel Exchanged & Underground Base Constructed The Alien “Guests” would remain on Earth and the human “Guests” would travel to the Alien’s point of origin for a specified period of time and then return exchanging personnel to their home planet. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of […]
Ray McGovern on the Navy and Iran
In the course of his recent address to the McLendon Group at the National Press Club on investigative reporting, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern confirmed that the U.S. Navy on two occasions opposed U.S. and Israeli attacks on Iran. “[Ray] McGovern made an important point that bears repeating. He argued that leaders of the uniformed […]
D.L. Zeta: July 11 Solar Eclipse Opens Cosmic Gateway to Divine Love
More from Patte on the influence of the solar eclipse. https://www.celestialvision.org/journal/ This weekend opens a gateway to greater manifesting and unconditional love. This gateway opens as a total Solar Eclipse on the Cancer New Moon brings telepathic communion with the divine. As we begin this new lunar cycle, we also begin a new chapter in […]
An Earlier UFO Over Hangzhou June 30, 2010
Meanwhile, in an earlier incident on June 30, 2010, a UFO, which appears to be exiting an wormhole, stopped traffic in the city.
The Impact of the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010
Update: I’ve reposted this article with missing sections added in. Patte has sent in an article on the solar eclipse. I myself have no background in astrology, astronomy, astrophysics, etc. , and defer to her judgment. Coming Home to Your Life~Solar Eclipse of 7/11/10 Elizabeth Jones July 9th, 2010 https://www.astrologyoflight.com/ NOTE: In this article, I […]
UFO Shuts Down Hangzhou Airport July 8, 2010
A UFO insistent enough not to be ignored persuaded Hangzhou’s Xiaoshan Airport to shut down Wednesday night, July 7, 2010. The following two videos record the incident and the resulting chaos at the airport. Chinese officials declined to give an explanation until they had a chance to investigate. Early on they said military matters were […]
Billy Cooper: The Secret Government – Part 4/8
Eisenhower and Rockefeller Join Forces Eisenhower knew that he had to wrestle and beat the alien problem. He also knew that he could not do it by revealing the secret to the U.S.Congress. Early in 1953, the new President turned to his friend and fellow member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Nelson Rockefeller […]
Send the Troops to Timbuctu?
Kerry Cassidy has just posted a letter from what appears to be an Australian Naval source with his speculations about curious troop movements. Some of it is speculation about troop use in the Gulf of Mexico response and you may wish to read that. But the part that interests me is his thoughts on the […]
The BP/Government Police State
By Glenn Greenwald Salon.com Monday, Jul 5, 2010 13:06 ET https://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/07/05/bp/index.html Thanks to Arcanum Dark Secret ABC/CNN In June, Adm. Thad Allen told ABC, “Media will have uninhibited access anywhere we’re doing operations.” The new rule contradicts that statement. (updated below – Update II [Tues.]) Last week, I interviewed Mother Jones‘ Mac McClelland, who has been covering […]
Turned Within
Summer is here in all its glory, the brightest of blue skies, the most inviting of breezes, and I am turned within. Although my insides shout at me to pay attention, I watch one more TV program, resolve to set out on one more day of exploration. There’s nothing wrong in walking through nature, but, […]