I’d like to repeat a message, largely for newcomers, but for anyone else who wants a reminder. The message is that, as far as I’m aware, there is no climate change in the way that’s being talked about. In other words, there’s no globally-catastrophic climate change occurring (period) and there’s no such change happening because […]
How Things Can Change in a Day
Thanks to D. What a difference a day makes. Granted that, as a result of Vancouver’s torrential downpour of a few nights ago, I had some small flooding in the apartment, I was quickly able to remedy it. Meanwhile, inland of me, Vancouver’s food supply was being flooded out in the Fraser Valley. Rail traffic […]
News in Brief – May 21, 2021
The news stories and videos are coming out faster and in more numbers than allow for individual posting. So wherever possible we’re going to combine them. Thanks to Sitara for her research. I’ve never seen a city so ravaged by extreme weather as Sahem, Oman, in this video from earlier in May 2021. Rainstorms, raging […]