by Natalie Glasson
Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth with celestial vibrations of pure white light that promote the presence of peace, fulfillment and bliss within your being.
Please remember that it is your divine right to be blissful upon the earth. The more that you focus upon the creation of bliss, the more you will notice it navigating into your reality.
Today we wish to speak of divine change.
We also call this, upon the inner planes, the winds of change because to us, on the inner planes, it is as if the Creator is sending very powerful winds through the Universe of the Creator, and these, they catch your intention; they invite you to stop, to ground yourself and to experience the presence of this powerful energy force. In doing so, you invite yourself, as does the Creator invite you, to revalue yourself.
What we, the Celestial White Beings, mean about this is, you have many things that you value – physical objects, people, thoughts, ideas, perspectives, goals and dreams – and yet, this divine change – these universal winds from the Creator, throughout the entire Universe of the Creator – invite you to look at your values once more.
In this new emergence of your divine self, you will notice that your values change; some things that you have been holding onto for such a long time, you might find that you no longer need them – they no longer have an importance for you.
This might also manifest: maybe you have an idea/dream and there is one thing that is stopping you from achieving that dream. It might be something that you value, something that you feel you cannot live without, something that is important or cannot be changed. What you may notice is that you are willing to let go of what is valuable in order to allow something greater to enter into your reality.
It might be that there is a need to let go of a family member, a friend or relationship that is immensely valuable to you. In doing so, you are creating an opening for divinity; the divine Creator to enter through you in an expression.
It is important that we, the Celestial White Beings, share with you that there is no need to let go of everything that is valuable to you.
What we are sharing with you, is that you will notice, naturally/organically, that things that you put importance upon – that were valuable to you – don’t seem to have the same meaning and that you are willing and able to let go of them.
It still may be challenging however you will feel/sense/acknowledge an inner guidance, guiding you to release what is no longer needed, even if it seems valuable at the time.
This transition and transformation is coming forth because of a shift that has occurred within your being; a new stage of ascension in which humanity has been a part. It is also that you will recognise, through the release of valuable things, that you will create a powerful shift within your own being that will open you up to a new reality, so it’s not only about your own energies and perspectives changing, but it is a new reality that is coming forth, that you are creating through the release of something that seems very valuable and important to you.
It is a time to contemplate oneself; to listen within your being, to recognize what you value, what you are not willing to let go…and it is okay to not let go…and what you are now willing to let go.
Recognize, is this different from last year, from a month ago, from a week ago? Has there been a noticeable shift within your being that is allowing you to embark on creating a new reality, a new pathway?
We, the Celestial White Beings, invite you to contemplate this. You will notice that you value yourself, your soul and the Creator.
You might also want to contemplate, what does it mean to value oneself/soul/Creator?
Are you ready to give all of these into the central space of the Creator, and if you do, what will happen?
We will leave you to contemplate.
We are the Celestial White Beings, and we thank you.