Villain or saint? (Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) I’ve never forgotten what psychotherapist and workshop leader John Enright used to say, that you can’t get from Victim to Hero except by going through Saint or Villain. (1) Victims don’t get what they want and are unhappy. Saints don’t get what they want and are happy. […]
The Growth Movement Meets Business…. – Part 1/2
So much is being brought up to awareness at this time. And I know it’s the same for others I speak to. There are some absolutely critical splits and dissociations that I’m finding raised in me. Forgive me if this post is a mite long, but I’m working this one out in the moment. One […]
Big Steve Writing
This share will slightly disturb the chronology of the next two or three articles. In the growth movement, we’d call it a “red-hot share.” I acknowledge that growth work Kathleen has been doing in trauma therapy has likely played a role in my realization, below. I’m experiencing the most amazing gradual – and sometimes […]