26:08 White Cloud
Is there anybody out there who isn’t getting the sense by now that the Mother has indeed sent the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong, as so many channeled sources have said? (1)
So what will we endure? The Federation of Light told us in 2020 that “it is going to get a lot more Topsy Turvy than this … a lot more.” (2) And it has.
Apparently, we’re not through yet. White Cloud said most recently: “We recognize how difficult it is and it’s going to get more difficult.” (3)
When the emergency broadcasts (EBS) end this phase of things, they’ll offer no relief from the shock and loss.
We’ll endure much worse when, in the ten days of broadcasts, we see what our world leaders and celebrities have been up to. We may find our high regard for homo sapiens takes a hit.
I began to write more about what our leaders are doing and I could not. I have to let the Alliance broach the subject themselves. I can’t imagine how they’ll approach it.
The only value in my having watched some of the videos beforehand is in my being able to warn you that what you’ll see could be traumatizing. You’ll certainly never forget it.
Not absolutely everyone needs to see it. But if you ever believe that you’ll have any say in Earth’s affairs afterwards, on any level, then, in my opinion, you should definitely see it.
The corruption on our planet extends farther than I ever imagined, even having read Svali in 2007. (4)
A prominent celebrity and pedophile, before his execution, is reported to have said “My death won’t stop anything; we are everywhere.” And, yes, I believe it. The latter part, that is. I don’t agree with the former.
What he forgot is that we don’t have to stop him or them.
This is the end of a 26,000-year cycle on Earth, a shift of the ages.
It’s a time of separation between those who need more time to advance and those who are complete with the lessons this grade in the school of life offers and can now go on to a higher. (5)
We don’t have to take our revenge on anyone, give them “swift justice,” or “help them on their way to meet their Maker.” The shift, when it comes, will separate the dark from the Light.
The Mother herself has said, “Enough!”
Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies [into the new region of space] takes place. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (6)
The dark ones who insist on remaining dark will be taken home, without judgment, she tells us:
Divine Mother: Those people who just simply say “no, I don’t want to do this” will be gathered up in mercy, in compassion, gentleness, and kindness – not brought to somewhere else, let me be very clear about that – they will be brought home for reconstitution. …
They will either die beforehand or die during, because they cannot incorporate the level of the love energy – because that is what Ascension is – they cannot incorporate that and … you have heard of situations, especially you… have heard of situations where people’s hearts simply stop or explode for no explained reason.
It is simply because they cannot continue on, and the merciful thing to do is to simply, gently and kindly, bring them home. We do not know the meaning of punishment, of what has in so many different religious pursuits been called “hell.” “Hell” is when you are in that place – the depth of despair. (7)
So no judgment. Everyone is gathered up, some to continue in Third Dimensionality; others to attune to higher realms.
Time for the old song to wrap up and the new one to begin.
Right now the orchestra is warming up and there’s a lot of discordance. But soon the performance will begin.
And it’s an uplifting performance. All will be forgotten – in the immediate sense, not in the long-term.
Our job is to hold on until then, to provide the bridge from the old to the new, to keep the portal open until the Mother herself says it’s time to close. Our commitment is that all who wish to, cross the bridge.
(1) Divine Mother: You are the wayshowers. You are the pillars. You are the strongest of the strong. You are the bravehearts. …
You do not condone cruelty. You do not accommodate what is not of love, and not of love of your sacred self. … You are breaking that mould and you are breaking it right now and I am with you to do so. (Divine Mother in “the New You” class through Linda Dillon, Dec. 6, 2018.)
Sanat Kumara: You are the servants of the Mother, the strongest of the strong, masters, how many times do we need to say this? You came to Earth in your mastery and you say to me, “Well, SK, I sure don’t feel it.” Well, nevertheless this is the truth, the stand alone truth: You are the masters. (“Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Sanat Kumara on Abundance, Aired July 29, 2014,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/08/30/heavenly-blessings-sanat-kumara-on-abundance-aired-july-29-2014/.)
Jesus: You are full of fortune and promise and it may just take constant re-assessment of your true nature and your true purpose and desires for a better world. Always hold on to that and never let go, for you are getting closer every day, even when things around you feel like they are falling apart. For they are not. They are merely re-working themselves into the correct coagulation for your ultimate success and glory as pure warriors of peace and love marching forward into a new world. (“Yeshua: You Are The Strongest of the Strong,” channeled by Fran Zepeda, October 15, 2013 at http://www.franhealing.com.)
White Cloud: Dream the dream and go forward on your own path; you will be followed. You will be honored for what you do and what you are – the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong. (“White Cloud & the Light Collective,” channeled through Tazjima, September 13, 2013 at http://bluedragonjournal.com.)
Federation of Light: ‘Only the strongest of the strong’ were chosen. And this is why we have expressed to you that it is going to get a lot more Topsy Turvy than this … a lot more. ( “The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, May 17, 2020,” May 17, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/05/17/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-may-17-2020/)
FoL: THINK ABOUT THIS FEELING OF BEING CHOSEN OUT OF SO MANY TO BE ON EARTH AT THIS TIME. YOU … THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG!!! Then … you get to the part of this dream … where you are told that ALL THIS YOU HAVE JUST BEEN TOLD … YOU WILL NOT RECALL. Do you suddenly decide to back out? Do you decide that you are not the one for the job? NOT AT ALL! You are not fazed by this information at all … For you KNOW it is part of the plan!!! You are then told … that as each ‘phase’ reveals itself to you … your recall … your remembrance shall return … And that YOU SHALL RECOGNISE THIS KNOWING BY THE LOVE YOU FEEL INSIDE YOURSELF. (Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Feb. 5, 2013.)
(2) “The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, May 17, 2020,” ibid.
(3) At 26:08. White Cloud continued:
“Blossom is saying that does not help people.
“But it does because, if you look back, everything from a few years ago, even, three years ago, your bizarre world became even more bizarre, it has become even more difficult and yet you are in it, living within it, and rising above it, most of you, most of the time.
“So as it continues to get more and more difficult, more and more insane, as to what you hear and what you experience, you can see that you can still and will get through all of that because that’s why you came. And that’s why I come.” (“Blossom, White Cloud, and Some FoL Eye Messaging,” May 27, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/05/27/blossom-white-cloud-and-some-fol-eye-messaging/.)
(4) See “Henry Makow: Illuminati Defector Describes the Conspiracy,” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Corroboration#Henry_Makow:_Illuminati_Defector_Describes_the_Conspiracy
(5) See:
- Not Everyone will Choose to Come with Us: The Time of Separation at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Not-Everyone-will-Choose-to-Come-with-Us-R6.pdf
- Some will Choose not to Ascend: The Time of Separation at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Some-Will-Choose-Not-to-Ascend-4.pdf
(6) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019.
(7) “Universal Mother Mary’s Ascension Splash!,”channeled by Linda Dillon, May 31, 2017 at https://counciloflove.com/2017/05/universal-mother-marys-ascension-splash/.