(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
It will require courage, audacity, and heart. Yes, it does require that and it requires it from us every day, day by day.
I remember having a shining transformational experience in a Communication Workshop and coming home glowing like a light bulb, only to have my then-girlfriend shout at me: “Stop that, right now!” I swallowed my original face.
Werner would have said that the world is hostile to transformation. Yes, we wanted to remain in our comfort zones and transformation was not comfortable.
He used to say that, if we wanted to remain in our comfort zone, he could oblige. He’d remove our internal organs and suspend us in tepid water. But if you wanted to live, to love, THAT was dangerous.
[As a reformed troll, I can vouch for that: I was dangerous to love!]
Elsewhere he said that yesterday’s share (1) was now dead and only today’s share lives. To share ourselves honestly and transparently requires audacity and courage, but what a difference it makes for us. How freeing it is.
And heart – yes. In a world that valued craftiness, strategy, looking out for number one and getting to personal success by climbing over everybody, the willingness to love was downright dangerous and only the hardy and foolhardy risked it.
It’s much more radical than a revolution – it’s the beginning of a transformation in the quality of life on our planet. Yes, not a violent overthrow of existing institutions but their transformation, just as Archangel Michael has said the chosen route of the Company of Heaven is.
Transformation isn’t a mere shuffling of the deck, not simply moving our Scotty dogs around the Monopoly board. It isn’t simply “change,” which enables persistence of the present condition. Transformation is not a mere repositioning of the content; it’s an alteration of the context in which things are held, which alters everything. (2)
You have the power to fire the shot heard ‘round the world.’ The shot heard round the world – the declaration on our part that hunger would end in the world by the year 2000 (we were perhaps 14 years premature), that peace would be achieved in the world by the year X, that honor killings would end by the year Y, that sexual slavery would end by the year Z – by our say-so.
Always a deadline so that social action could be coordinated. Werner’s favorite example of how well a deadline works: We will have a man on the moon by the end of this decade. But boldly declaring what we were about, a shot heard round the world, an idea whose time has come.
And soon, because of the Reval, many lightworkers will find themselves uniquely in the position of having the resources to take the first steps into this new domain, the domain of coordinated, committed social action, firing the shot heard round the world. We CAN choose to be audacious enough to take responsibility for the whole world, not just the human family but all life on Earth.
I’m game for what comes next. I’m willing. I want a world that works for everyone and all my actions from here on in are aimed at achieving that world right now.
(1) A share is a statement of our personal truth, a baring of the truth-for-us, an honest and transparent communication.
(2) While we’re still afflicted by vasanas or core issues, what Werner called “records,” they often decide the frame of reference or context and shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions.