In another article, I wrote:
“Everything is falling apart. Quite publicly.
“No wonder the dee-p sta-te is going after Cue.” (1)
There’s something I like to keep in mind about organizations like our “deep state” and their actions. It helps at times like these. (2)
I’ve said this a few times. I need to back up a few steps to make the point.
War requires constant maintenance activities. Peace does not. Therefore peace is the default of life, not war.
We’re talking just plain physics and other sciences. War requires soldiers. It requires armaments. It requires shells, food, kit, transport, shelter, on and on and on.
Moreover, the object of war is to destroy your opposition. So both sides find their resources being attacked and destroyed. Whittled down. Exhausted.
None of this applies to peace. Peace requires no maintenance. And no one ends up exhausted.
Why is this significant? And why now?
Because the Alliance (call it what you will) has been steadily taking out the deep state’s “maintenance” resources – personnel, finance, deep underground sites, HAARP, chemtrails, etc.
Take away their maintenance base of resources and they cannot carry on, no matter what they may say. They become a shadow force.
Moreover, since so much of their activities are venal, their soldiers abandon them quicker than those motivated by a cause. No pay/no play, literally.
Remember that the President brought into effect an executive order sequestering the funds of serious human-rights abusers. This can be used to corral the finances of a sizeable proportion of deep-state actors.
When a regime is slowly (and publicly) revealed for being corrupt as was the lineage of the Bushes and Clintons, with the Bidens apparently riding the wave of corruption as the various sources of evidence are revealing, it loses its influence very quickly.
The probable purpose of their revelation now, aside from aiding the Alliance in the re-election of Donald Trump, is to have the deep state lose its influence very quickly – now, while the public is watching and listening.
But the deep state may also be most dangerous when cornered. We’ve seen cities burn? How much worse can it get?
Meanwhile, the Alliance is fighting for circumstances and conditions that require no maintenance – peace, freedom, harmony, equality, abundance.
You recognized these as what I call divine qualities, what Linda calls the blessings and virtues? They require no maintenance. Take some time to notice if you hadn’t before because the distinction is important.
Peace requires no maintenance; only war, only domination, only control does. If we decline to participate in those activities, they roll to a halt even sooner than they would otherwise.
We shall see what the world says and does when the drip, drip, drip of revelations fully removes the veil of secrecy from the deep state’s affairs.
I’m aware that it’s our job as lightworkers, in my view, to do all we can to see that that reaction remains peaceful. It will be a shocker when you keep in mind the building nature of the revelations of criminality and abuse.
So far, these emails and tapes are only evidence of political corruption. Wait till it’s about … even worse. (3) Our work will definitely have begun.
(1) “20-20 – Oct. 17, 2020,”
(2) Come to think of it, when has there been a time like this?
(3) I saw a video, from Anthony Wiener’s laptop, that was so so bad it took a spiritual experience to rescue me from my revulsion and gloom.
It took me a while to be willing to refer to what I saw, it was so shocking.
See “Original Innocence,” Sept. 21, 2018, at and “Archangel Michael Explains What Happened at Xenia,” Sept. 22, 2018, at