Whether we care to acknowledge it to ourselves or not, we’re operationally at war. Rumor has it that the white hats regard the DEW attacks on Lahaina as an act of war and responded to it with lethal force.
Certainly the deep state has resolved to make war on humanity, aiming to depopulate the globe to a docile 500 million who’d then serve them. (1)
Stop the camera.
Doesn’t all this sound familiar? Are we watching a James Bond movie? Did we just wake up in the Roman Empire? Or are we fighting the Second World War again?
Well, certainly the latter. The Second World War saw some nations consider themselves destined to rule the world and attempt to defeat all others. They failed. No empire that I’m aware of has succeeded over time.
But what’s the answer to this ongoing and miserable story of human warfare?
I have to dip into my spiritual toolbox to reply. And this is just my personal answer.
Classical enlightenment theorists talk about a “longing for liberation,” a subject which I’ve covered elsewhere. (2)
It’s a built-in, subtidal thirst that can be satisfied only by the experience and realization of … God or Mother/Father God or the One – whatever name you prefer to use – Buddha Nature, Parabrahman, the Tao.
Notice that the longing is a desire. So right at the heart of the design workings of the human being we find desire.
Ego arises to satisfy our desires. So now we have “I” (ego) plus “want” (desire): “I want” is born, ready to issue orders to the ego.
Now here is where the problems come in that lead to conflict.
First of all, the ego is a false “I.” It’s not our permanent “I,” which is God.
It’s there as long as we have material, bodily, sensory, physical wants. It’s simply our aide-de-camp, there for a while to see that the jobs we assign it get done.
It’s also there to protect us, to ensure our survival and the survival of anything we identify with (me and mine). But it can’t help us with spiritual unfoldment.
It doesn’t outlast our desires. Once we become desireless, the ego falls silent, as you’ve seen in my case some years back.
In 2020, I experienced the mind chatter suddenly stop. (3) One minute it was on; the next minute it was off and has never come back.
When the ego has no more desires to serve, I predict that it’ll fall silent.
And it has no more desires to serve as a result of a basic spiritual movement.
Keep in mind, when considering that movement, the action of the longing for liberation, which is satisfied only by [your name for God].
I’ve long held that the basic spiritual movement is what I phrase as turning from the world to God. (4)
When we turn from our sensory, physical, material desires and instead desire Mother/Father God’s love, bliss, and other divine qualities, then spiritual faculties we have in us begin to awaken. Here the ego can play no (commanding) role.
You read yesterday of me connecting more and deeper with my Higher Self. (5) That’s an example of a spiritual faculty beginning to awaken. In these realms of Light, so to speak, the ego has no part to play. The spirit emerges as the driver of the car.
Therefore, we can say that what we desire matters. Desire worldly gains, possessions, and experiences and we awaken the ego. The guardian soon becomes the guard.
Desire only the divine qualities and the Source of them and we leave the world of the ego behind. The Self emerges more and more in us, helped along by our Board of Directors on the other side. (6)
In Part 2, we start the camera again and return to our present state of war.
(1) The figure on the now-destroyed Georgia Guidestones.
(2) See The Longing for Liberation at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Longing-for-Liberation-2.pdf
(3) See “Out of Jail at Last,” 2020 and “I Feel Happy, Said the Troll Under the Bridge,” Aug. 24, 2020 in An Ascension Ethnography, ibid.
(4) See “Ch. 8 Turn From the World to God” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-3.pdf
(5) See “Me and My Higher Self,” Aug. 30, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/08/30/me-and-my-higher-self/
(6) My Board of Directors would be the Divine Mother, Archangel Michael, the Lord Arcturus, my twin flame, my Higher Self, and my Guides. See Our Enlightenment Partnership at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Our-Enlightenment-Partnership-3.pdf