Archangel Gabrielle, through Linda Dillon, urges us to allow her Golden Rain to wash away all our remaining false grids, so we are in joy, laughter, glee and fun, for the completion of this Ascension, and when creating Nova Earth, with Gaia, in the 7th dimension. Linda Dillon: “And let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath […]
Our Next Step IS the Path
I’d like to pick up the thread again of discussing at a conceptual level creating Nova Earth. As I said earlier, I can only pursue this as a blue-sky, conceptual discussion. There isn’t enough of me to go around to pursue it at a more detailed level. What’s becoming apparent to me, as awareness dawns […]
Imagineering a New World – 3/3
(Continued from Part 2.) How many of us have really considered what we signed on for? How many of us, if given the chance, would agree to do it again? We’re transforming the unworkable into the workable as part of evolutionary events taking place on this world. The conditions of our work call upon us […]
Imagineering a New World – 1/3
The word “imagineering,” usually attributed to Disney Productions, was actually coined by Alcoa around 1940. (1) It’s the perfect word to suggest the manner in which thought creates in the higher realms. Even in the Astral Plane, which we access after death, thought creates. We are imagineering a New World into being. If we’re to […]
We’re Exploring Nova Earth
Another thing the Bellingham Meet-Up did was to make a useful and clarifying distinction around meet-ups themselves. And here I credit Cyndy. Until that point I had been seeing meet-ups as a transitional phenomenon. People came together, shared and met and then “progressed onto” project groups. But Cyndy pointed out that many people want what […]
Toward a New Philosophy of Community Building through Mutual Aid – Part 2 / 3
By Steve Beckow, Karen Wilson and Kathleen W. Before we go on, allow us please to suggest an operational definition of community so that we have something to work with. What makes a community a community is a joining together of like-minded people to co-create, in partnership with the Divine, a way of life founded […]
Laying New Track
A Train Headed for Disaster One of my favorite stories from Werner Erhard is about a train headed for disaster. As he tells it, a passenger on a train looked out the window and saw that the train was headed for disaster. He told the other passengers and together they went to the right side […]
Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel: Gifts and Roles Co-Creating Nova Earth
This week on An Hour with an Angel, we’ll be speaking with Archangel Michael about the different gifts people bring to the cocreative work of building Nova Earth and the different roles we’ll play. We’ll ask what we’re doing that is working and what we’re doing that is not. We’ll ask him about the matter […]
The Cooperative Commonwealth: A Vision for Nova Earth – Part 4/4
(Continued from Part 3.) “The changes [will be] more of a commonwealth system really. With modifications so common law prevails instead of the current admiralty law.” – ZAP, “The Office of Poofness: December 31, 2013” at _______ For me, what the Cooperative Commonwealth actually refers to is life in a state of what Werner […]
The Cooperative Commonwealth: A Vision for Nova Earth – Part 3/4
The Cooperative Commonwealth vision received its most mature political embodiment in the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation Party in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan and at the Canadian federal political level. The CCF, later called the New Democratic Party, was founded “to represent progressive farmer, socialist and labour forces, and to implement their agenda of nationalization of […]
The Cooperative Commonwealth: A Vision for Nova Earth – Part 2/4
Let’s see where the idea of the Cooperative Commonwealth originated. An American, Laurence Gronlund, seems to have invented the term, when he published The Cooperative Commonwealth in its Outlines. An Exposition of Modern Socialism in 1884. Gronlund described his vision this way: “The Cooperative Commonwealth … is that future Social Order—the natural heir of the […]
The Cooperative Commonwealth: A Vision for Nova Earth – Part 1/4
Last week, I discussed some of the roots of the effluoresence of social conscience in the world. These included the work of Thomas Barnardo, General William Booth of the Salvation Army, the founders of the YMCA/YWCA, the Settlement House movement, particularly in the founding of Toynbee Hall and Hull House, and the Social Gospel. I […]
Balancing Vulnerability and Protection as Lightworkers
Sometimes I wonder how far I can go in sharing. Till my jaw drops or my eyes pop out? But a part of the job here is getting the word out. And sharing and comparing notes is the way we lightworkers do that. So I’m going to take a risk again and share a part […]
Love, Trust, and Forgiveness: The New Pattern for Nova Earth
For many years, my own research lay in the area of finding patterns in things and I’m finding that the Mother’s continuing baptism of clarity makes many patterns easier to see. One pattern I see relative to the uncovering of unitive consciousness and the building of Nova Earth is that it seems essential that we […]
Wes Annac: Astral Travels – Blessing the Old Earth from the New Earth
Written by Wes Annac, Aquarius Paradigm, Feb. 04, 2013 The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter and this week, we are traveling to our fifth dimensional New Earth to perform Lightwork and help anchor it unto our current reality. Having received visions of the New Earth, I feel the […]