This week on An Hour with an Angel, we’ll be speaking with Archangel Michael about the different gifts people bring to the cocreative work of building Nova Earth and the different roles we’ll play.
We’ll ask what we’re doing that is working and what we’re doing that is not.
We’ll ask him about the matter of divine deadlines: SaLuSa used to say that once a divine deadline is passed, what the cabal wants to do is no longer respected. Yet we seem to be still paying attention to their free will in, for instance, the matter of the Reval.
Airs Thursday at 4pm PT/7pm ET
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We’ll ask him how we stay in the bliss when we confront matters that challenge us.
And we’ll ask him how president Obama is doing in the face of an ongoing wall of criticism that confronts him and the alleged appointment of an interim President of the United States.