By Steve Beckow, Karen Wilson and Kathleen W.
Before we go on, allow us please to suggest an operational definition of community so that we have something to work with.
What makes a community a community is a joining together of like-minded people to co-create, in partnership with the Divine, a way of life founded on the divine qualities such as unity, harmony, love, peace, compassion, sharing, etc.
A community not founded on the divine qualities creates festering issues and residue. Its work probably will not last. A community not founded on the divine qualities could not possibly, in our view, create Nova Earth.
Moreover, the Divine Mother has already revealed to us that her plan to build Nova Earth is to bring people into sacred union first with themselves, then with a sacred partner, then with their community, and then with the world. (1)
In our case, we see that, having to appeal to readers for support to become self-sustainable instead of receiving funding from the Company of Heaven, does bring us into community connection with our readers, listeners and donors in a way that having an independent source of funding does not. (2)
It also invites us to take a lead in creating a sense of community among lightworkers so, even a few feet out of the starting gate, we see see some of what we think the Company of Heaven are wanting to have happen.
We spoke yesterday about our situation and what this new direction raises in us. Let’s now talk about the situation of the reader of the blog, the listener to InLight Radio, and the donor to the Hope Chest. All of us on the team are also readers, listeners and donors (can we call you “patrons” for short?)
For patrons, we believe that the invitation to support their community encourages them to “own” (be personally responsible for) or “buy into“ (take a personal and active interest in) in both their own role in building Nova Earth and in the work of supporting organizations that have communicated to the Company of Heaven, by their words or actions, their own willingness to lead in that effort.
All lightworkers lead society: that’s what a lightworker does. But some folks are also willing to lead among lightworkers. Patricia Diane Cota Robles, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and Deepak Chopra are easily-recognizable examples. None of these people can do what they do without support.
Matters cannot stop with just assisting the Nova Earth Team and we’re not suggesting they do. Financial support needs to flow to all the other lightworker service organizations that have formed to build the new society, providing patrons feel they’re working constructively and well in directions that serve the Mother’s Plan.
In our view, community is built through connection and “ownership.” For human beings, connection and ownership have often arisen as a result of making a financial contribution to a community service organization. How many people felt an increase in their interest in and compassion for New Orleans or Haiti after making a contribution to relief efforts there following the 2005 hurricane or 2010 earthquake?
We know that our journey to this date has been a process of our getting progressively more real about our situation. It probably has been the same for others.
So far, money hasn’t dropped from heaven to fund lightworker community-building work. If we’re to do the job, until the abundance funds come in, it looks like we’re going to have to generate the wherewithal ourselves, as a community.
Archangel Michael once called the decision to wait a while longer for Ascension so that as many as possible could participate “one of the most spiritually mature actions that has been undertaken in eons.” (3) He also framed the need of the Nova Earth Team to seek funding from the lightworker community in terms of maturity:
“If you think of it as the child learning to ride the bicycle, what has happened for a long time (decades) our hands were on your back, on the seat, and on the handlbars. Also the training wheels were on. Then the training wheels came off. But we still had our hands on the seat and we would catch you.
“Now what we are doing is running alongside of you. And you are saying, ‘I can do it. Look at me.’ And there are times when you are wobbling and we are sliding the energy. If it was a child on the bicycle, we would be literally cushioning the air. ….
“The progress that has been made in what you would think of as a lifetime has been substantial. But of course from our perspective it is not that substantial because you had it before you came and that is why you came.
“Now you say, well, if I look at it from the point of what has transpired since December [2012], all I can say is that I am more broke.
“But I do not change what I say when I say that you will be taken care of. Now you and your group, your circle, also need to do what you can in the physical and you have been, exploring, undertaking, doing, taking action so it is not that we are saying that money is floating down from heaven.” (4)
No, before the Reval, money will not float down from heaven. And we understand why not: the continuing presence of the Illuminati, the danger that money floating down from the heavens could put the recipients in until the Illuminati are gone, etc.
But we also are coming to see that part of learning to ride the bike is the lightworker community financing its own.
Let’s now turn to look at some of the general statements the Company of Heaven have made that lead us to think in these ways.
The Great Divine Director laid out how the CoH sees us proceeding generally in building the global community we call Nova Earth.
“The explorers go first, breaking trail and forging new pathways. Next, the pioneers arrive, building community and forming new groups who will explore together ways of living in harmony with nature and her cycles, rhythms and flow.
“Next will come the weavers, those who will weave together new ways of being in community across the entire planet. Teachers and students will exchange roles, leaders and followers will do so also as the needs of the collective and individual change and evolve.
“New patterns will emerge to form a beautiful fabric of a new society, one that engages everyone, and brings abundance, opportunity, beauty, grace, wisdom and strength to all, no matter their location or place upon the planet.
“No one person will be greater or less than another; all will be special in their own way, supported by the collective [emphasis added] and encouraged to explore their own gifts both for their own benefit and growth and that of the community at large. It will be a new world and it exists within your heart and dreams already.” (5)
That statement provides the basis for our new approach.
Matthew Ward predicted in 2009 that a period of need would arise. And he suggested how we’d handle it. And this is in fact how we are handling it.
“During the transitional period, until all peoples of Earth are prospering, the spirit of sharing and taking charge of adverse circumstances with a positive outlook [emphasis added] is growing exponentially as more and more people are acting upon their inspirations to form neighborhood and community assistance projects, cooperative farming, volunteer help, and exchange of goods and services.
“This spreading spirit comes from the soul, evidence that the light is magnifying not only negative characteristics and behavior, but equally magnifying individuals’ goodness, generosity, ingenuity, cooperative spirit and strong will to surmount temporary hardships.
“The ‘grassroots’ movement that is spreading will merge with new policies and programs devised at the top, unifying the objectives and goals of the populace and the leadership. (6)
That is an exact description of what’s been and is happening here.
Mira the Pleiadian also hinted at how the need to form community would arise and call upon us to adjust our lifestyles.
“You could be asked to adjust your life styles and to form community. You will find creative new ways of being that will become satisfying and protective. Adjustment will be the name of the game.” (7)
Yes, that fits our situation exactly.
Finally, Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn also predicted how we’d respond to this period.
“For those who have shifted into the New Earth frequency, the work will be to stay in the Heart center and manifest and create from that space. These Lightworkers will experiment in new forms of living, in new forms of community, and in creating the Seed Points or Sacred Spaces of the New Earth.
“They will be focussed on manifesting the Golden Age and the sustainable future that the Planet has chosen as her future path.” (8)
He added:
“Now is not the time for judgments and separation, but for co-operation and community based on common goals and the desire to co-create the New Earth and a New Society.” (9)
Tomorrow we’ll look more at how turning to each other for financial aid and support works to create community.
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(1) “The Divine Mother: Is Sacred Union Part of the Plan? Dear Hearts, It is the Plan,” at
(2) “Behind the Scenes with Archangel Michael” at
(3) Personal Reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, June 13, 2014.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) “The Great Divine Director: Climbing up the Spiral Staircase,” channeled through Tazjima, July 4, 2013 at
(6) Matthew’s Message, March 10, 2009, at
(7) “A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council,” channelled by Valerie Donner, June 11, 2013.
(8) Archangel Michael, February 2010, through Celia Fenn, at
(9) Loc. cit.