February 17, 2021 Voices from the Forum Kioudine Brilliant human mind control is when “dark forces” convince the masses to think they are the “awakened ones,” and to attack the Light, which they perceive as the “dark ones.” The awake are asleep, and the asleep are the awake. Mind manipulation at its best, creating an […]
In the World but Not of It
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house…. Well, we’re certainly used to waiting! I’m in a philosophical mood today. I feel guided to look at duality, to show that it isn’t inherently bad or wrong. The very first act in the drama of our lives was one of imaginary separation, individuation. No, […]
All on Earth are Angels
Did you know that all of us born here on Earth in this generation are angelics? Why is this? What purpose does it serve? What do we do with that knowledge? Archangel Michael explains. Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2020. Thanks to Dana for our transcript. […]
The Self: Summer Salad or Crazy Salad?
Notice that one spiritual experience has a person talking about it for years. I used to say to myself that one spiritual experience a decade would keep me going. I found myself muttering to myself this morning: “The Self can be said to ‘reside’ at the far end of the cul de sac that the […]