We’ve been in our new and temporary dwelling for 11 days now, and it’s just so interesting, this process. Expectation can generate anxiety and disappointment, and I actually did anticipate certain perceptual shifting around getting out of hotel life and into an actual house.
The thing is that even though certain things have shifted, there’s still a daily to do list of stuff that feels…I don’t even want to put a word on how it feels. If I say it feels burdensome, it dismisses the gratitude I feel about suddenly having the resources to get what we need.
I spent four hours at the house on Thursday selecting things to have cleaned and put in storage, mostly our hand thrown pottery. I also went through my bedroom, where every single item had been inventoried and put back in the same general area (imagine altar space). It was a bit surreal to then carefully pick up each sacred object wearing nitrile gloves so I could bring them back to our new place to clean.
Exposed? Yeah, kinda. Submit to a background check to get into a rental…bleh. No way around it.
A bunch of our clothes have been cleaned and returned to us. Those boxes need opening, and spaces found for the contents. There’s been a great deal of shopping for necessary things, which we are most sincerely grateful to be able to do because of stellar insurance coverage. At the same time, it can be a little tedious, because it seems there’s no end to it, and honestly, I never really loved shopping.
I’ve been meaning to pen an update, and at the same time, doing so carries with it an expansion of my personal envelope. It’s not my usual M.O. to be writing about myself and my life, and especially not to gripe about it. Any semblance of privacy I was able to kid myself that I enjoyed has been fairly obliterated…like entirely.
In any case, we have food and water, and there is peace and safety here. That’s mostly my focus, and life is now a practice of presence and being in the moment when my world has suddenly gotten rather small, and far more complex than it was. I’ve been out and about way more than I used to be as well, and I have to say that it’s a little shocking to witness the state of humanity. I wonder what percentage of the population in any given area actually enjoys good health these days. It seems like a low number.
When asked if I grew weary of the post-disaster process, it occurred to me that I’m just doing what needs doing. Giving in to feeling weary of anything right now is fruitless. I didn’t even have to be pummeled into giving up control. I have none, anyway, but to go with the flow and be good to myself, and to my girls.
When I shift perspective to the big picture, though, observing our lives surely does generate a number of questions. Like, at the core of what’s happening, how long can the bad guys keep interfering with God’s plan before smackdown comes?
Or is there great value in the continued suffering of humanity? Perhaps for some there is, and there’s a place for people like that to go that isn’t where we are (or where we’ll be). It just is very hard to see how all the awfulness here can be remedied quickly. Our relief is apparently in shifting out of this reality perceptually, but even the most astute and connected among the human collective hasn’t managed to do that.
Those who actually can shift at will, have chosen on a higher level to not even have conscious awareness of that ability in order to remain in place so that the ones who aren’t going to shift don’t get fried in the bifurcation process. Perhaps we’re actually full service Light Operatives of the crystalline variety, simply doing what we came here to do.
How many of us have been hanging on in any number of ways, anticipating the reval / Solar Flash to either remedy an untenable life situation or render such life circumstances entirely moot? The fact that we had a house fire really makes me wonder why we would be going through all of this if Ascension was going to be any time this year.
All I can think of is that it was becoming urgent that we get out of the house, and that waiting another moment longer for anything to make that possible just was not an option. Whether that ever becomes clear or it doesn’t, what seems to be true here is that other prayers took precedence over my ones for protection of our home whenever I was away…
And now we get to reinvent our lives.
PS ~ I’ll write a separate update about Nova, because she’s been gifted with some very effective trauma release work that I feel certain would be helpful for others of both the human and animal variety. Stay tuned…