This experience happened perhaps a week ago but the write-up was nudged off the publication schedule by 9/11 coverage. Again I continue ethnographically while I regain my health and momentum. I’m going through an experience at the moment that I can only compare to moulting. Or perhaps cracks opening in my body and my body […]
The Eye of the Storm
Download here: On the Divine Qualities at I’ve made this point several ways. I keep looking for other metaphors. Up till now I’ve discussed where I believe we need to be as the heart, the center, the balance point, etc. Let me now compare it to the eye of the storm. A hurricane […]
This “Me” Does Not Exist. But “I” Do
I’ve just had the clearest example of someone on the other side sending me an urgent bulletin. Both the bulletin and the sending are interesting. I was wrestling with what caused inner turmoil and turned my attention to the “personality.” And then came a moment of clear, heightened seeing when I said to myself: I […]
Strangers Pass by Me Constantly, There in the Heart Where I Dwell
Rumors are flying about exposures and arrests. As I watch them, I remember Michael’s advice: “Stand back and observe.” I’m glad I choose the middle, emotionally and spiritually speaking. Everyone makes choices in self-presentation and I feel quite comfortable, nestled here in the center, as much as I can manage it. Spiritually speaking, the middle […]