(Concluded from Part 3, yesterday.) (3) Devote yourself to the Real. We’ve developed our powers of discrimination and used them now to discern what is untrue and unreal. And we’ve detached ourselves from any attachment to these things. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually we now devote ourselves to – in the case of lightworkers – the […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) (1) Discriminate between the Real and the unreal. As was revealed to me in a vision on Feb. 13, 1987, the purpose of life is for us to realize who we are. (1) Before I turn to discrimination proper, I’d like to look at life’s purpose. If we only want […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 1
I’ve been putting off writing this article for some time but I now feel the time has arrived. There’s such chaos outside that I need to clarify for myself my basic values, to remind myself what course I want to steer. To do that, I’d like to describe a spiritual path that derives from Hinduism. […]