Are we seeing evidence in other societies of an unwillingness to be controlled? To resist police in Saudi Arabia is taking a big risk. May 20, 2010 Intel Daily (WW4 Report) — An officer of the Saudi religious police, patrolling an amusement park in the eastern city of al-Mubarraz for unmarried couples illegally socializing, […]
DNA Upgrade – Somvarta – 2012 – Galactic Core
by Sai Grafio 2009 [email protected] (With acknowledgment to Psychedelicadventurer) In my previous articles on “These Times” I mentioned the Hindu concept of Somvarta in which a galactic burst is released from the Galactic Core the Mayans call the Hunab Ku. Somvartas are associated with upgrades in evolution and I have apprised that the next […]
What is an Indigo Child?
Not absolutely sure if this list is bona fide, but it provides a basis for discussion. The Indigo Children Website As a summary, here are the ten attributes that best describe this new kind of child, the Indigo Child * They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like […]
Valerie Donner: Feeling Tapped Out?
Valerie Donner hit the nail right on the head for me. Several of these symptoms of ascensionitis apply to me. Not like I feel tapped out. If anything, I feel joyful. You? Valerie Donner May 20, 2010 (snip) Let’s see how many ways I can describe what you might be feeling or experiencing these […]
Tommy Douglas: We Await Your Presence at the Round Table
This channeling from Tommy Douglas means a lot to me personally. Tommy Douglas is the man responsible for bringing universal medicare to Canada many years ago. He was the leader of my political party, the New Democratic Party or NDP. He was a man of huge vision and integrity and now, having passed into spirit […]
Reportage of Lake Erie UFOs Shows Progress in Media Coverage
Lots of activity over Lake Erie earlier this year. In the following three videos, the media wrestle with a sighting over Cleveland that occurred every night for about ten days in March 2010. While the first and third news anchors appear a little uncomfortable with what is happening, it’s significant that in one, MOX News […]
UFOs Over Iceland Volcano
Three videos of UFOs over the Iceland Eyjafjallajokull volcano in April 2010. Thanks to Psychedelicadventurer. April 2, 2010: April 18, 2010: ApriI 28, 2010:
Long-Awaited: Matthew's Message for May 19, 2010
Here is a much-awaited event – Matthew Ward’s monthly message. Matthew says that, although the Gulf oil rig was not bombed or sabotaged, it was not an accident. It was a mechanical malfunction that was waiting to happen. He tells us what factors enter into “predicting.” He reveals that Bush and Cheney were clones. (On […]
Saul: Your Life Can be Joyful, Even in the Illusion
John Smallman has been taking dictation from the spirit entity called “Saul” since 1995 (a year after Suzy Ward began taking dictation from her son, Matthew). Saul frequently refers to us attaining “full consciousness” upon Ascension. Saul explains what he means by this phrase: “Full consciousness is a state of being in which the individual […]
Yarnbury Castle Crop Circle
Surely the crop circles that have been appearing on Earth since centuries ago are communications from higher extraterrestrial intelligences. Here, in a crop circle found in a field May 16, 2010, near Yanbury Castle, Winterbourne Stoke, Wiltshire, a triangle enters and begins penetrating a circle. To my mind, the triangle’s energy, which flowed outwards is […]
Aluna Joy: Crop Circle Suggests Dimensions Merging
Use your discretion. But an interesting article. Crop Circle and Vision Confirms that the Dimensions are Merging. Message received in Sedona, Arizona during a ceremony circle with Willaru Huayta and Aluna Joy May 8, 2010 Aluna Joy Newsletter May 19, 2010 During a ceremony circle, atop a red rock vista in Sedona, Arizona with a […]
Dr. John Mack, an "Early" Student of Alien Encounters
Dr. John E. Mack was a well-known professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a leading authority on the transformative and spiritual aspects of alien encounters. His early work on alien abductions inspired many other UFO and ET researchers to open new areas of inquiry. As a psychiatrist, he began work with people who […]
We Do Not Need Oil – Part 1/2
May 22, 2010 The gigantic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has focused attention worldwide on the perils of drilling for oil. It brings the world closer to knowing about the existence of a dark cabal known as the Illuminati who proposed to dominate the world and decimate the world’s population. It also brings […]
We Do Not Need Oil – Part 2/2
(For Part 1/2, see The gift of free-energy technology is part of a much wider revolution that will take place We have seen, above, and will see, below, that our space family has promised to help us clean up the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. SaLuSa says: “The call for us […]
SaLuSa Comments on the Oil Spill Again
SaLuSa’s message today is like balm to the soul. He reflects back so much that I personally am feeling. He says: “We know that so many of you are tired of the old ways, and the degree of pressure you suffer simply to survive. It is therefore nice for us to be able to inform […]