I wrote the following for the 333rd issue of the Weekly Awareness Guide, a written document distributed weekly via email that I offer for $11.11 a month. Income from the guide helps me get by and ensures I can continue to offer free content, and every subscription is appreciated. You can find the option to […]
It’s a New Age – Part 4 (Conclusion)
(Continued from part 3) What Could Have Been We would’ve evolved more quickly if we’d taken a righteous path, the unnamed “Master” tells us, but we can still create a new age by embracing teachings most people abandoned long ago. Had mankind accepted and understood the teachings of the Master Jesus, the plan for your […]
It’s a New Age – Part 3
Credit: Daniel B. Holeman, awakenvisions.com (Continued from part 2) Religious Reconstruction Spirit Control Mary Bosworth speaks of a religious reconstruction that will favor love and service over creed. “The time is coming, and coming fast, when there will be a reconstruction of the religion of the churches. Creeds will largely go, and love and service […]
It’s a New Age – Part 1
A New Earth. Credit: tauksuzanne.wordpress.com Are we at the dawn of a “new age” of social and spiritual transformation? Is there really an “other side”, and is humanity on the verge of reuniting with it through a natural process of spiritual evolution that doesn’t require death to experience? The idea of a new age fascinates […]
2015: A New Year, a New Era
2015 is here, and with each New Year we meet, we’re usually compelled to ask what we want to do differently to make it more enjoyable and fulfilling than the last. Personally, my goals for 2015 are to step into a greater open-mindedness (and openheartedness), make spirit a more consistent part of my life and […]
Vulnerability in a New Era
Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness As consciousness continues to rise, humanity will be tasked with coming together and loving each other on a much more personal level than we’ve been accustomed to. Vulnerability might become very important, because we’ll need to be able to show a sincere side of ourselves if we want to […]
Reclaiming Joy in a New Era – Part 2/2
Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm Concluded from Part 1 The Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldon Nidle tells us about the joy that comes with rediscovering and reclaiming our oneness. “Our wisdom comes from the supreme Source of all things. When you achieve this state of oneness, you are able to experience the thrill that […]
Reclaiming Joy in a New Era – Part 1/2
Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm Joy is our natural state of being, and our impending evolution back into a place that’s blissful and ecstatic to say the least requires us to release our stress and tension and move back into a place of heart-centered exuberance. There’s no sense in following a path that […]
Creativity in a New Era
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm Fellow seekers, enthusiastic artfulness will show the way back to a joyful existence. It’s time to step outside of our preconditioned boxes and embrace the greater reality that waits for us to remember it, and in breaking free from the matrix, it’s important not to hold ourselves to […]
Knowledge and Education in a New Era
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm The immense distraction offered by society makes our focus essential. We’re entering a new paradigm of education and social action, but presently, the powers that were are hard at work trying to keep us distracted and unaware. Everywhere we look, we’re distracted from our greater potential and spoon-fed […]
The Fire of Love: A Bush That Burned and Was Not Consumed
I’ve been asked to comment on the tsunami of love that’s predicted to occur at some near but unknown point in the future. The Divine Mother has spoken about it on An Hour with an Angel and others have spoken of it as “the Event.” She said: “The event as you are referring to […]
Tommy Douglas: We Await Your Presence at the Round Table
This channeling from Tommy Douglas means a lot to me personally. Tommy Douglas is the man responsible for bringing universal medicare to Canada many years ago. He was the leader of my political party, the New Democratic Party or NDP. He was a man of huge vision and integrity and now, having passed into spirit […]