(Continued from part 2)
Religious Reconstruction
Spirit Control Mary Bosworth speaks of a religious reconstruction that will favor love and service over creed.
“The time is coming, and coming fast, when there will be a reconstruction of the religion of the churches. Creeds will largely go, and love and service take their place.” (1)
A Different Purpose for Each Soul
An unnamed channeled spirit hints at a new age while describing his spirit group.
“We are a band of workers and wish to add our knowledge. We wait not only in hope, but in certainty; for we go far and near and see all sides of the work among many people and many nationalities. There is a slow dawning of a great day. It is coming, coming surely; and we can watch it from afar.” (2)
If this material is accurate, it shows us that different souls and soul groups serve different purposes in the afterlife. I’d imagine they choose their purpose and work with those who are passionate about the same thing, and they can “watch from afar” as our world slowly transforms while actively participating in its transformation.
The Great Spiritual Awakening; Live Unselfishly
Julia Ames tells us about the “great spiritual awakening” that will take place.
“What they tell me on all sides, and especially my dear guides, is that the time is come when there is to be a great spiritual awakening among the nations and that the agency which is to bring this about is the sudden and conclusive demonstration, in every individual case which seeks for it, of the reality of the spirit, of the permanence of the soul, and the immanence of the Divine.” (3)
An unnamed spirit communicator tells us that life would be a lot different if we all learned to live unselfishly.
“Do you understand how different life would be there if all would try to give as well as to receive; if all would learn to serve unselfishly the world in which they live, and learn the higher happiness of spiritual thought and life? The coming of the new age is not for one or for two to bring in, but rather the mighty influence from here moving through the spiritually discerning ones there.” (4)
“Silent Forces” at Work
Spirit teacher Imperator tells us that “silent forces” are at work helping create a collective awakening on earth.
Ye know not how great is the work that is being done; how vast the vista that is being opened. Never before has there been such an outpouring of Divine Love as now. Silent influences are at work in men’s minds.
All over the world they are being prepared to receive the teaching we are giving you here. Should it be necessary for the furtherance of this mission other great Intelligences will return, and bring their magnetic force to bear upon the earth.
At present it is not needed, as the work is progressing. You are living in one of the remarkable epochs of the earth.
The old creed must die before the new can be received; but it will die hard, as round it still linger the associations of many ages; but it is fast dying out, never to live again. Happy are ye, living in this age, and learning these new truths, if ye rightly appreciate and use the blessing. (5)
We have the opportunity to crack the greatest mysteries of our existence, and in turns out that all it takes is an open mind and heart. Spirit can’t help but pour through when we’re open to it, but it isn’t enough for the mind to be open; the heart has to be open too.
In my opinion, it is only when both portals are open that we can properly experience the expansion of consciousness or creativity, and they both complement each other by enhancing the other’s power.
An open heart is the most important component, but an open mind is also essential because you don’t want to be closed off from things the mind would dismiss as fantasy. In the same vain, you don’t want to lose your rationality or discernment and this is where an open heart comes in.
The “Thick Grey Mist”
Claude Kelway-Bamber tells us about the “thick grey mist” that seems to cover the earth as a result of the pain and cruelty circulated throughout the collective consciousness.
“There is a wedge now being driven in to open the door between the two worlds of matter and spirit, and I love to feel that I may be a tiny splinter of that wedge…
“At present the earth is enveloped in what looks like a thick grey mist caused by the thoughts of cruelty, rage, grief, and pain that are continually outpouring.” (6)
Perhaps this “grey mist” is caused by an artificial intelligence permeating the collective consciousness and encouraging hatred, chaos and war. Whatever its cause, it’s preventing humanity from being open and spiritually aware so we need to confront and heal it. Until we do, it will continue to hold us back.
Love Heals Chaos
An unnamed “Master of the Brotherhood of Light” explains that despite the chaos in the world, as we evolve spiritually we learn of a greater power – love – that wants to be expressed.
“Today, chaos reigns. Chaos in all forms and in international patterns. … But evolution is of the soul. It is a pressing forward to greater heights of spiritual enlightenment and acceptance of the great cosmic love that yearns for expression.” (7)
He also tells us that things are more intense right now because we’re on the verge of a new world.
“Every vibration on the earth has been stepped up because you now stand at the threshold of a new era. Men are reaping the harvest of their sowing. Those who have sown violence will reap violence. Those who have sown peace will reap peace.
“For the harvest must be shared by all mankind; no man standing alone in his guilt, nor in his glory. Each is a fragment of the whole.” (8)
Wanderers: Here to Help
He explains that a lot of souls are incarnating on earth for the chance to help us evolve.
“Yet, my beloved, all is not lost, for I would reveal to you that within the law is yet a greater law, the law of transmutation. Many are they amongst you who have returned to earth at this time of crisis to enact the law’s fulfillment, as a voluntary service to all their brothers.” (9)
All this talk of a harvest and entities incarnating on earth to help it evolve are reminiscent of the Law of One, a series of books allegedly channeled from an extraterrestrial entity known as Ra.
Ra spoke at length about wanderers, the harvest of souls into a higher state of consciousness (some people take issue with the term “harvest”) and plenty of other fascinating subjects.
Most channeled material, including the Law of One, has as its primary point of discussion our collective evolution and the transformation of earth into a utopian paradise where we can live in harmony and eventually welcome our cosmic family.
(Continued in part 4 tomorrow)
- Fred Rafferty, ed., Charlotte E. Dresser, medium, Life Here and Hereafter. Author’s edition. Downloaded from https://www.harvestfields.ca/ebook/02/001/00.htm, 2 Feb. 2008, 87.
- Ibid., 84.
- Julia [Julia T. Ames] through W.T. Stead, medium, After Death. A Personal Narrative. New York: George H. Doran, n.d.; c. 1914, 49.
- Charlotte E. Dresser, medium, and Fred Rafferty, editor, Spirit World and Spirit Life. Los Angeles: Rafferty, 1922, 9.
- Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Electronically published by Meilach.com. https://www.meilach.com/spiritual/books/morest/mspteach.htm, 14.
- Kelway-Bamber, ed., Claude’s Book. New York: 1919. Downloaded from https://www.spiritwritings.com/claude1.pdf, 18 Feb. 2008, 23.
- Lesley May, med., Letters from Mother. A Family Biography in Two Worlds. Ed. Edmund Bentley. London: Psychic Press, 1964, 125.
- Ibid., 126-7.
- Loc. Cit.
By Wes Annac, Openhearted Rebel, May 15, 2016 – https://tinyurl.com/gr5ngko