Chris: The thing about a contained dialogue like this is that it permits for a quality of sustained reflection over time. In an open, fairly uncontained group, you have the advantage of peripheral dynamics, with adds and shares coming in out of nowhere, stretching the container directly, challenging the group to expand and transform laterally, […]
On Unfoldment – Part 2
Steve Beckow: I’m noticing a linkage with your discussion on acceptance. The Buddha, when he was sitting on the banks of the river meditating before his final enlightenment, heard a vina master tell his student on the other bank of the river that the strings of the instrument could not be too tight ot too […]
On Unfoldment – Part 1
Steve Beckow: Love your theme, Chris. How does it dovetail with the rising energies? In other words, ascension is inner work. But the energies are rising in any case. So what is it that I do or add to facilitate the process? To hinder it? Chris: In my experience, learning to accept what is unacceptable […]
Copenhagen – is there a problem with our Earth's climate?
By Rob Underhill, Dip. Bd. Submitted to Share 11 Discussion Group by Fiona Waters, Dec, 12, 2009. Firstly this is a complex story so I will keep it short and stay with the key issues. I have been an ecologist and conservationist all of my life and hold a degree in Biological Agriculture. During the […]
Developing Discrimination is the Reason for Physical Life
In the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna says: Thinking about sense-objects Will attach you to sense-objects; Grow attached, and you become addicted; Thwart your addiction, it turns to anger; Be angry, and you confuse the mind; Confuse your mind, you forget the lesson of experience; Forget experience, you lose discrimination; Lose discrimination, and you miss life’s only […]
Salusa's Message of Dec. 2, 2009
SaLuSa’s Dec. 2 message was so helpful to me at a time when I was in ill health and under much stress that I feel it deserves sharing in its entirety: We are aware that many of you wonder why the end times are a whole series of problems that severely try and test you. […]
Galactic Sources on Global Warming
Given the start of United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen today and the contentious split between those who warn against global warming and those who say the statistics have been cooked and support a new Wall Street attempt to build a “cap and trade” market (read: bubble), what have the spiritual hierarchy and Galactic […]
2012 The Movie
I watched the end of the world last night and followed it up with baked salmon. Truly I felt like Nero. First the movie and then the dinner. Thank heavens it was only make-believe. If I were to comment on 2012 the Movie, I’d have to approach it from two sides. First the side that […]
Watch for Wayshower Werner Erhard
My brother Paul was over visiting the other day and showed me a Wayshower who is making his presence known again after years of working behind the scenes. Remember the name: Werner Erhard. We all hear that it is time for the Wayshowers to step into the limelight and I think that Werner us one […]
Speaking of Corroboration….
Speaking of corroboration, here is another undeniable signal that we have to take note of and I thank Len Satov for sending it to me. The image comes from Carl Johann Calleman’s article on Drunvalo Melchizedek’ site: As you can see, it’s a crop circle depicting the Mayan Calendar. It’s beautiful and intricate – […]
Twenty Fish in Twenty Fishbowls
Reposted from Dec. 2, 2009 I find it strange listening to people discuss international affairs in the absence of taking into consideration what the spiritual hierarchy and Galactic Federation (SHGF) have told us over the past few months and years. I know that a friend recently asked: why are we listening to channeled messages? I […]
Canadians Airing the Truth About 9/11
The Canadian equivalent of “Sixty Minutes” is called “the Fifth Estate.” The program is a feature on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Recently (Nov. 27), the Fifth Estate aired “the Unofficial Story” of 9/11, in which it said that an increasing number of people now believe that the U.S. Government was behind 9/11. The program […]
Obama's New "Afghani" Offensive
Dec. 1, 2009 Watching President Obama tonight, I was secretly hoping that he would use the occasion to disclose. But no such luck. My secret thought about what he is doing is that he is building a corps of new recruits loyal to him who will never be sent to Afghanistan, but instead will supervise […]
Interview with the Pickering Brothers
I’m listening to the Pickering brothers’ interview on Project Camelot and it must be one of the most fascinating exchanges I’ve heard. They describe three races of extraterrestrials that their “Source A,” a mid-ranking U.S. Naval officer, has spoken to as a member of one or more international working groups trying to move disclosure ahead. […]
Don't Be Afraid
Matthew Ward has pointed to something which I also would like to draw attention to. Matthew refers to Hatonn’s message concerning the imminent disclosure of the existence of intelligent, human extraterrestrial life in the galaxy, which you can read about in the post preceding this one. Cdr Hatonn is director of multidimensional communication for the […]