SaLuSa reminds us of our responsibility for creating the conditions that exist today. He tells us that the Earth allies are near to creating the conditions for disclosure and that that will result in the galactics helping us with the spill. They will return the land and waterways to their original condition. But the Illuminati […]
What Went Wrong?
I’ve just spent most of the night dreaming about what went wrong in our world since World War II. I saw the progression of two groups of people. One I saw as average normal people and the other as the controllers. I watched as society changed over the years and here’s what occurred. When the […]
Billy Cooper: The Secret Government – Part 3/8
Living Alien Rescued at Roswell, New Mexico, 1949 The living alien that had been rescued from the 1949 Roswell crash was named “EBE”. Its name had been suggested by Dr. Vannever Bush as an acronym for Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity. EBE had a tendency to lie and for over a year would give only the expected […]
Still Staring
Well, I’m glad from your comments that you’re feeling the same way too. I’m still staring, unable to apply myself. It’s a meditative space. I knew a long time ago that choosing to be a writer meant going through spaces publicly, but I didn’t know how publicly. There isn’t anything I can do but just […]
Man Staring
I’ve been spending a quiet evening taking quotes from SaLuSa and putting them in First Contact. I was moving rather mechanically and feeling a bit shamefaced, when I came across this passage from SaLuSa’s May 31, 2010 message: “Are you feeling a bit disconnected from day to day happenings, because you will in some ways […]
Gulf Oil Spill Galvanizes Activist Community
GULF OIL SPILL GALVINIZES ACTIVIST COMMUNITY by Matthew Cardinale June 30, 2010 Trajectory of Gulf Oil Spill as it Hits the Gulf Stream With the U.S .government and oil giant British Petroleum under fire for their handling of the more than two-month-old Gulf Coast oil spill disaster, environmental and community activists across the country […]
Owen Waters: The Great Paradox of Infinite Being
Owen Waters Infinite Being is The One and The All. We are aspects of the One, aspects of Infinite Being, each of us experiencing life from our own unique perspective. This concept leads to the idea that you are one small part of an infinitely large variety of life. However, when you go within […]
Alfred Webre: BP Gulf Oil Spill Threatens Whales, Dolphins: “ET Ambassadors” Vital to Earth’s Light-Energy Grid
Alfred Webre looks at the impact of the oil spill on whales and dolphins and the role these species play in helping humanity generally and with Ascension specifically. BP Gulf oil spill threatens whales, dolphins: “ET ambassadors” vital to Earth’s light-energy grid July 5, 2010 Seattle Expolotics Examiner When a sperm whale was found […]
July 7 Crop Circle: All Systems Go?
Crop circles are endlessly fascinating. Saul and SaLuSa said in their latest posts that full consciousness was coming “soon.” Commentators on Godlike Productions say that this latest July 7, 2010 crop circle at Danebury Fort, England, conveys the final preparations before full consciousness occurs. I personally have no idea, but endlessly enjoy the speculations. Thanks […]
Ed Komarek's Round-up on ET and UFO Topics
UFOlogist Ed Komarek has a cornucopia of information on ET and UFO topics in this very long March 2010 article. The article is too long to post here so I offer a snippet. The full article, covering the Greys, Reptoids, hybrids, Solar Warden, the military-industrial complex, and many more topics can be found at […]
Stephen Bassett on MSNBC
Stephen Bassett is interviewed by Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC Town Hall, giving disclosure a shot of mainstream media coverage. Ratigan’s approach is debunking but both interviewees respond with balance and good humor. Wilber Allen is a second guest, talking about the Capitol police’s need to have a policy about ETs and UFOs. The subtext to […]
Russ Michael: Daily Schedule of Collective Visualizations
Russ Michael, channel for “Messages from Michael,” has suggested that we as a world coordinate our visualizing efforts daily. He’s recommended we take 10 minutes a day to imagine or meditate upon the following list of subjects, each on the day of the month noted. This set of events will be repeated monthly until the […]
Billy Cooper: The Secret Government – Part 2/8
Truman Creates CIA by Executive Order During these early years the United States Air Force and the CIA exercised complete control over the ‘Alien Secret’. In fact, the CIA was formed by a Presidential Executive Order, first as the ‘Central Intelligence Group’ whose express purpose was to handle the ‘alien presence’. Subsequently, the National Security […]
Theater Under the Stars: World Disclosure Day is Today
Today is World Disclosure Day 2011. If there are some of these films you haven’t watched, today’s the day to do it. The more people thinking “galactic” and welcoming our cosmic family, the greater the power attracting that event to us. However, as you review this list of films, all painstakingly produced by experts in […]
Large Mothership Over Peru
And a very short video of, I think, a very large mothership over Peru in 2008, photographed by a rock band before beginning their performance.