White Hats Fight FEMA in California
Michael Baxter, Real Raw News, January 11, 2025
As fresh flare-ups in the Pacific Palisades spread east toward Mandeville Canyon and Interstate 405, one of LA’s busiest freeways, county officials empowered the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with enforcing mandatory evacuation orders and curfews—de facto Martial Law—that forbid residents from venturing outdoors between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.—under threat of imprisonment. When FEMA arrived in Malibu and Woodland Hills Thursday evening, White Hats weren’t far behind.
However, the White Hats’ mission in fire-stricken California has nothing to do with helping wealthy elitists and everything to do with incapacitating an agency that has long looked to enslave and subjugate citizens everywhere. If the White Hats’ presence benefits Californians, that’s purely incidental, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
“We fight FEMA wherever they are,” the source said. “We’ve been at it over four years, and we’re damn good at it. We know that FEMA created other disasters, like in Maui, so we put nothing past them. Right now we have no proof they directly or indirectly caused the California fires; but at the same time, we have no proof they weren’t involved. And when Gen. Smith heard armed FEMA had entered the disaster zones, he was compelled to act.”
The general’s first act, he added, was to send 1,500 battle-hardened Marines from Camp Pendleton to the fiery war zone. They had explicit orders to disarm and rout marauding FEMA agents and to establish a perimeter to block additional FEMA convoys from reaching evacuation zones. The general had also requested aid from his allies at US Army Special Operations Command, which sent two Special Forces detachments to support Marine Corps efforts. Then, when Gen. Smith obtained credible evidence that a FEMA barge had left the Port of Seattle for the Malibu coastline, he asked friends at Naval Special Warfare Command if NAVY SEALs were available to deter that threat.
An unnamed SEAL team reportedly boarded and took control of a FEMA barge masquerading as a hospital ship Friday morning, killing the crew and captain after they refused to surrender and took up arms against the SEALs. Fifteen FEMA were killed in action; one SEAL was wounded superficially and is expected to make a full recovery, our source said.
Meanwhile, Marines in Woodland Hills had a heated confrontation with a band of FEMA agents and their California National Guard escorts. FEMA and the National Guard claimed they were on an errand of mercy to deliver MREs and bottled water to wounded civilians, but when the Marines searched their Humvees and tactical trucks, they found only weapons and 150 5-gallon cans of gasoline.
When questioned about the cargo, belligerent FEMA agents said the weapons were to thwart looters, and the gas was meant for civilians running diesel generators due to power outages. Our source said a Marine with a sensitive olfactory cavity sniffed the cans and discerned at once that they held gasoline and not diesel fuel. At that point, FEMA changed its story, saying they were hauling the gasoline in case vehicles depleted their fuel and there were no nearby gas stations.
“That makes no sense,” the Marine lieutenant told them. “Since your trucks and Humvees run on diesel. You wouldn’t be using the gas to start fires, would you?”
Any veneer of cordiality dissolved, and FEMA/National Guard personnel told the Marines they had no authority to impede their work or ask questions. The FEMA agent-in-charge reached for his sidearm, and three California Guardsmen began unslinging their rifles.
The Marines, who had been given authority to use lethal force if threatened, engaged the aggressors, shooting seven FEMA agents and 11 Guardsmen before seizing the gas cans and a massive cache of rifles and pistols.
Our source said the incident was justified, and White Hats would remain in California until FEMA’s involvement is understood.
“Like Maui, this could be another Deep State move to burn out an area to rebuild with Smart Cities,” our source said. “We’re not going anywhere.”