(Concluded from Part 3, yesterday.) Let me now provide a series of reassurances that have not been given so far to suggest how many times and in how many different ways this promise of protection for dedicated and purely-motivated financial stewards has been given. Feb. 18, 2011: Archangel Michael: It is not so much, my […]
Are Lightworkers Who Participate in the Reval Protected? – Part 3/4
(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.) We continue our discussion of the protection of lightworker currency holders. When I asked Michael if I should be applying for TDA monies – the billion-dollar accounts set up for each person, which the Illuminati have been using to “pay their bills” – Michael replied: AAM: No, stand way back. […]
Are Lightworkers Who Participate in the Reval Protected? – Part 2/4
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) Yesterday we heard from Archangel Michael. Today let’s hear from the Divine Mother herself on protection: Steve Beckow: I know that a lot of our listeners would like to hear your answer to the following question – are Lightworkers who deal in foreign currency for the purposes of irrigating planet […]