From Time Magazine, no less!!! by Christopher Hayes Time Magazine,28804,1971133_1971110_1971117,00.html In the past decade, nearly every pillar institution in American society — whether it’s General Motors, Congress, Wall Street, Major League Baseball, the Catholic Church or the mainstream media — has revealed itself to be corrupt, incompetent or both. And at the root of […]
A Significant Near-Death Experience
“Anita” had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Fred Burks shares her experience of “death.” One can read this as simoply another NDE or one can see in it some pretty significant revealtions. The first is that we are told our guides asre always around us and Anita demonstrates this. The second is that we are told that, […]
President Obama Thanks the Nation
This is only the first of the major changes that are achievable and forthcoming. I am, by the way, a proud Canadian and Canada has had universal medicare for perhaps fifty years now. It is a jewel in the Canadian crown and I congratulate my American brethren on achieving the same universal health care system […]
Peter Russell on Paradigm Shifts
Speaking of Fred Burks, he has a nice five-minute short of Peter Russell discussing paradigm shifts which deserves mention, especially since we will be faced with so many paradigm shifts in the near future. Thomas Kuhn, author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, one of my favorite books, defined a paradigm as “the accepted theories, […]
Sharron Rose on "2012 The Odyssey"
Armageddon is not what it used to be. Sharron Rose is a filmmaker who has travelled the United States speaking to Jose Arguelles, Gregg Braden, John Major Jenkins, Rick Levine, Geoff Stray, Moira Timms, Alberto Villoldo, Jay Weidner, the Incan elders, and others on what we can expect in 2012. Here is the trailer for […]
Karen Bishop: The Cosmic Tsunami Begins
by Karen Bishop March 19, 2010 Welcome! This is an exciting time indeed. How blessed are we to be participating in a rare and pivotal time with a massive re-structuring of our earth, ourselves, and the cosmos? All in preparation for a very new way of living and being in a very new reality […]
Ben Arion: We Live in a Conscious Universe
by Ben Arion © copyright Ben-Arion & Why have they not just landed right in front of the White House and said: “We are here, now we will change the world”? The answer is easy; First and foremost they never use force to change things. It is we who choose; we have […]
Vicky Anderson: Earth Grid
by Vicky Anderson Since the birth of our planet 4 billion years ago, it has been surrounded by grids. Each of these grids has consisted of a sacred geometric matrix of one of the five Platonic Solids – shapes that are based on a mathematically finite number. In 1992, the configuration for a new […]
Ben Arion: From Deep Sleep to Full Awareness
Ben-Arion was one of the first commentators I met after discovering the truth of 2012. He’s published an e-book on all subjects connected with 2012 and given permission to reproduce it. I will be publishing it in posts here and then reproducing the whole in the pages section. by Ben Arion © copyright Ben-Arion […]
Carl Johan Calleman on Conscious Convergence. A Wave of Unity, July 17-18, 2010:
Here Mayan calendar scholar Carl Johann Calleman promotes the idea of a “Conscious Convergence” event, similar to the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, to galvanize people around the world into intending to consciously awaken and evolve, a condition which he sees as a prerequisite for the Ascension of the largest number of people possible in 2012. […]
Diana Cooper on 2012 Why is 2012 so important? 2012 marks the end of a 26,000 year astrological period as recognized by the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Maoris and most of the ancient cultures. December 2012 is also the final end of the experiment of Atlantis. This took 10,000 years to set up, lasted for 240,000 years and is […]
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles: Heal the Polarization
This is a long article, but it’s a really admirable discussion of a complex subject: how to heal the polarization that is troubling our planet during this “time of troubles.” by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles There is a lot of misinformation circulating about what will happen in 2012. Most of it is fear-based and predicting […]
Ken Wilber on Evolutionary Enlightenment
The Evolution of Spirit: God, Enlightenment and the Path Ahead With Ken Wilber Is God evolving? Does enlightenment change? Can consciousness develop over time? Why is metaphysics bad? Explore these essential spiritual questions and much more in this fascinating dialogue with renowned Integral philosopher Ken Wilber. Ken Wilber on Evolutionary Enlightenment
Drunvalo Melchizedek on Mayan Spirituality
This is a rare find – Drunvalo Melchizedek (1) describes his journey into native spirituality, beginning with the Taos Pueblo and progressing through the Central-American Mayan tribes. But Drunvalo goes into very much more than just his own spiritual journey. A group representing the range of world religions journeyed with Mayan elder Don Alejandro to […]