Top US Banks Under Investigation Over ESG And Climate Action Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, Oct 29, 2022 ( Authored by Alex Newman via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A coalition of 19 state attorneys general from across the country launched a formal investigation into six major U.S. banks last week citing legal concerns about banks’ […]
A War for the Soul of the World
Ivo: You must realize there is a battle going on right now over the timelines between good and evil, Light and dark, and efforts are being made either to allow the dark ones to make the mistakes they are fated to make, or to remove from them the possibility of their taking control – all […]
Dutch Farmers Protest, July 23, 2022
Please note: I don’t speak Dutch, which means videos will have to be what’s available in English. Ten days ago, some Dutch police were handing out cookies to protesters. Others have been known to fire on demonstrators. Suggests the extent of the protest Farmers block the arrival and departure halls at Groningen Airport Eelde in […]
98 American Food Processing Plants Destroyed
At what point does coincidence become impossible? Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, June 11, 2022 ( As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, at least 18 major fires have erupted at food industry facilities and plants over the past six months. All of […]
In Memoriam: Deaths and Injury from Covid-19 Vaccine
Accountability Every day we learn more about graphene oxide, blood cells clumping, magnetism, bioluminescence, 5G connection, and other aspects of what is turning out to be a killer “vaccine” serving a depopulation agenda. Is the weather warfare we’re enduring right now designed to distract us from it? Is the Alliance taking advantage of the flooding […]
The Need To Grow: An important Documentary about our Food and Soil
[] >> Go to the URL to get a free exclusive screening of this award-winning movie!<< The film is available for free for 4 more days. I urge you to watch. It will open your eyes to our uncertain present and a possible wonderful future. (Name and email required to view documentary.) You might recall […]
News in Brief – June 22 – 2
The news stories and videos are coming out faster and in more numbers than allow for individual posting. So wherever possible we’re going to combine them. Accountability Fox has fired Ivory Hecker Earlier today we said that Fox-26 TV Reporter Ivory Hecker revealed on air that she is speaking to Project Veritas about Fox TV […]