A dear Friend wrote this very perceptive message about a posting I made on loving unconditionally: “There is s big part of me whining here…… but, but, but. There are people that I Love and wish well but never want to see again. I don’t know how to be that choice and BE Love […]
Nicky Hamid: Surrender On Surrender to the Higher Authority of Self. To surrender is not giving up your freedom. In fact the opposite, for surrender to me is liberation. Imagine a raspberry cane simply wanting to produce the perfect raspberry. And instead of understanding that calling and allowing the berry to develop naturally, we tried to […]
Nicky Hamid: It’s Simple Why we are here, and what we are to do (our Purpose) is all so simple. You are here to raise your frequency in embodiment and in all you do and ARE. It is a matter of bringing the Light of your Being, the Light of Source into your body and into everything in […]
Nicky Hamid: Heart Speaking Did you know that all our hearts are talking to one another right now? Your heart is connected to every other heart and they communicate (electromagnetically) almost instantly. I am not just presenting this as an idea. It is a fact. You are sitting in contact with each other’s ‘heart bubble” right NOW. Every […]
Nicky Hamid: Toward Unity in Galactic Consciousness Toward Unity in Galactic Consciousness Remember that the human form and expression is made up of a monumental mixture of DNA star seeds. Look about you and you will have discovered that many people you know well, they are familiar to you, and many at times seem rather strange and unfathomable (even brothers and […]
Nicky Hamid: Dropping Love Seeds
by Nicky Hamid You do not have to be a genius to know that Humanity is HURTING. Hurting deeply, and in a state of great turmoil, fear, retrenchment, and mental and emotional crisis. As Lightworkers We are privy and blessed to have access to Observing from the “Higher ground” of Heart Knowing, if we […]
Nicky Hamid: From Chaos to Peace
by Nicky Hamid From Chaos to Peace So what do you do when you see or hear of events that appear horrific, or worrisome, or bring up anger and fear, and feelings of helplessness? What do you do when you see the lies, deception, and utter desperateness of your politics, big business, the “Cabal” […]
Nicky Hamid: The Lion Within is Awake while Seeming out of It
by Nicky Hamid The Lion Within is Awake while seeming out of it. I have never been one to share my ups and downs nor dwell on them. However I write this just to indicate that I am not immune to all the experiences we all are having to traverse as we walk our […]
Nicky Hamid: Still Working on It? Many friends say that they are not “There” but they are working on it. They are “trying”. No more working on it I say. Light heartedness is the order of the times. So when seriousness arises simply stop and watch it, feel where it is in the body, let it move and be where […]
Nicky Hamid: Try The Creator Way Your Being Knows your longings and you have already created the fulfillment of them. It ‘sits’ in your “future”, in the Field of Infinite Possibility in the ever expansive creative field ‘above, within, around’ you. You are Creator Beings and can bring that reality into your body to become your experience. Open wider up […]
Nicky Hamid: The Mind Thoughts occur spontaneously, it is futile to try to stop them. But if you watch them casually, easily, you will begin to notice a gap. In that gap there is nothing but pure awareness, peace, stillness, You without thought. The more you let go of attachment to your stories the more you will be […]
Nicky Hamid: Deleting All Old Programs Deleting all old programs. One of the symptoms: Are you walking around in a daze sometimes, (or even often) very forgetful, with nothing in your mind and as though you are lost, but you know within you are not.? Seeing the world and everything physical through a kind of a haze perhaps? All is […]
Nicky Hamid: Be Still Yes the “pressure “of the ages is upon you, the unremitting energetic of change. Yes your body is being bombarded from within and without, your emotions are mixed and rise and fall with the slightest provocation, or with no apparent cause whatsoever. Your mind is one minute “blank” and the next “racing”, and the […]
Nicky Hamid: Waves of Transformation Waves of Transformation There is a law in physics that higher frequencies always dissolve and/or displace lower frequencies, so in the physical e.g. , steam dissolves ice. This has always been well known, since the beginning of Human life, as Law also in ‘Spirit realms”. What do you think happens when we bring in […]
Nicky Hamid: Body Changes I know that so many of you are at present experiencing various sinus, throat, and skin symptoms, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, sensitivities to light and sound, aches and pains and even accidents that give temporary debilitating experiences. And simultaneously you are experiencing increased feeling of lovingness and calm and underneath a stillness. Stay the course […]